YFWD Help!

Hi everyone. I’m not new to knitting but have never attempted a lace pattern before - I’ve undone more than I’ve managed to knit and I’m struggling with this pattern and understanding where I’m going wrong.
The pattern is K1 (lace pattern across 113) K1 - 115 stitches. However, this is the first pattern row:
K1 (K1 *skpo, k2, yfwd, k2tog, yfwd, k3, yfwd, skpo, yfwd, k2, k2tog, k1: rep from * to end.

This pattern section starts with 16 stitches but I end with 17. This adds 7 extra stitches meaning I go from 115 to 122 then the next row in the pattern does not fit as that only requires 16 stitches per pattern section.

Can anyone tell me where I’m picking up an extra stitch or if you need any more information, I can provide.

Thank you!

Welcome to KH!
The repeat within the asterisks takes 16sts to work and it leaves you with 16sts.

*skpo, k2, yfwd, k2tog, yfwd, k3, yfwd, skpo, yfwd, k2, k2tog, k1: rep from *
The yarn overs (yfwd) and the decreases (skpo or k2tog) balance each other out. There are 4 of each.

Are you perhaps missing a decrease somewhere along the row? It may help to place markers between repeats just to make sure each repeat has the correct stitch count.

Lifelines are a great idea with lace patterns just in case you ever have to take out a row (or two).

Apologies, I’ve got the pattern wrong - not helpful.

It’s *skpo, k3, yfwd, k2tog, yfwd, k1, yfwd, skpo, yfwd, k3, k2tog, k1: rep from *
I get:
skpo = 1
k3 = 3
yfwd k2tog = 2
yfwd k1 = 2
yfwd skpo = 1
yfwd k3 = 6
k2tog = 1
k1 = 1
I have tried using stitch markers too

OK, these are the sts left after the increase or decrease:
skpo = 1
k3 = 3
yfwd k2tog = 2
yfwd k1 = 2
yfwd skpo = 2
yfwd k3 = 4
k2tog = 1
k1 = 1
For a total of 16sts after the lace repeat is worked. I’ve bolded the 2 changes.

Ok, so on the yfwd when there is more than one stitch to knit after, you only knit the first one and not all of them? That makes so much more sense! You are a star, thank you. I can finally get past row two now :slight_smile:

Just to be clear, the yfwd doesn’t include a stitch. Bring the yarn forward between the needles then over the right needle to the back. That’s it.
Whether there’s k1 or k3 following, proceed on to work that stitch or stitches. They’re separate and not affected by the yarn over.
Good luck with the lace! I’m glad you’re set to go. It’s good of you to venture into something new and lace is such fun to work. Keep count as often as you need to in order to stay on track. (I need to count every row.)