Yarnspirations diagonal stripes sweater

Hi there,
I am currently working on yarnspirations diagonal stripes sweater (knitted) and have completed the back piece in the 4/5XL, however it doesn’t look like the pictured diagram on pages 16 and 17. I have followed the pattern exactly and even the shaping of the armholes section on pg. 3 doesn’t math up… when I have 7sts left and yet it states to rep. 3-5 two more times I can only complete it once to get to the required 3sts before casting off… it’s not that I’m dropping stitches or anything just even with a calculator and notepad tracking the decreases seems to leave us 4sts short for the final rounds??? Am I missing something??
I have a screenshot of the part I am working and if needed and allowed can shared the pdf of the pattern for better understanding, though I am sure I got it from Ravelry some time ago.

Could you please help? It would be really appreciated!! I tried to get help via their email but webmaster says it’s not deliverable…

Kind regards and deepest thanks in advance :blush:

Is this the pattern?

There is a contact us page with an email address but also an online contact form you can try. Maybe the email you tried had a typo or was an old address? This is current an should work:

If you get no response, if it was me, I’d work it until there are 3 sts remaining. This would mean following the shape armhole instructions down to the last part,
“Rep rows 3 to 5 two times more”
I would change to,
Rep rows 3 to 5 ONCE more.

This should leave 3 stitches to cast off.
Then just make sure you do the other side the same so they match. It reduces the row count by 3 though due to the final repeat not being worked. That’s about 1 cm based on the gauge. You could add some work straight rows (row 4) in between to make up for the lost length.

Thinking of this though…
Are you getting the correct size in the armhole?? I’m just considering the gauge and questioning if there are enough rows to reach 10.5" in height (measurementint the schematic). I am assuming the cast off of 43 is the underarm, I’d expect around 68 rows in the armscye . I hope I’m not adding more confusion here, it would be a shame to work this intricate pattern and not have the sizing correct.
Actually… with it being diagonal knit perhaps I am looking at the row count in the wrong way and it’s perfectly fine.

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I remember working a different diagonal sweater and having to fiddle a bit with the shaping. In this case, it seems to be a mistake in the number of repeats. As Creations mentioned, working the repeat of rows 3-5 once makes sense of the math. That’s also what the graph shows.

The cast off is part of the armscye so that seems to be giving enough space for the armhole.


Thank you so much for your input salmonmac and Creations. I was thinking along the same lines as yourself I missed the website option and just got flicked over to my email on trying so I’ll have another try. Yes, it’s a really interesting knit & my first diagonal knit, i have done diagonal stripes before but not the knit itself. I’m so excited to see how it turns out.


What an interesting pattern! Do post a photo when you are finished if you are able.

I am tempted towards a sleeveless version for summer.

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I like the sweater and saved it in Ravelry.


Ooh a sleeveless one could look amazing. If you do it please do share. Would you just put a little ribbing around the armscye?

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Yes, I think I would do a short section of ribbing or the same finish as the neckline. Would probably try out both, one on each side!