1st row: (RS). Knit.
2nd row: Purl.
3rd row: K1. (K2tog) twice. *(yo.
K1) 4 times. (K2tog) 4 times. Rep
from * to last 9 sts. (yo. K1) 4 times.
(K2tog) twice. K1.
4th row: Knit
***Place pat for neck shaping:
1st row: (RS). Pat 26 (38-38-50-
62) sts. K46 (46-58-58-58). Pat 26
(38-38-50-62) sts.
Rep last row 8 times more [keeping
center 46 (46-58-58-58) sts in
garter st].
I have figured out the Pat for the first 26 sts , the K46 and the last 26 sts in the pattern.
My questions is where it says rep last row 8 times more. Does that mean to knit the 4 row pattern 2 times?
Here is the link to the free pattern: https://www.yarnspirations.com/patterns?prefn1=patternSkillTypeString&prefv1=Knit&prefn2=patternProjectType&prefv2=Tops
Thank you for any help you can give me.