Yarnspirations 4 rows feather & fan knit top

1st row: (RS). Knit.
2nd row: Purl.
3rd row: K1. (K2tog) twice. *(yo.
K1) 4 times. (K2tog) 4 times. Rep
from * to last 9 sts. (yo. K1) 4 times.
(K2tog) twice. K1.
4th row: Knit

***Place pat for neck shaping:
1st row: (RS). Pat 26 (38-38-50-
62) sts. K46 (46-58-58-58). Pat 26
(38-38-50-62) sts.
Rep last row 8 times more [keeping
center 46 (46-58-58-58) sts in
garter st].

I have figured out the Pat for the first 26 sts , the K46 and the last 26 sts in the pattern.
My questions is where it says rep last row 8 times more. Does that mean to knit the 4 row pattern 2 times?

Here is the link to the free pattern: https://www.yarnspirations.com/patterns?prefn1=patternSkillTypeString&prefv1=Knit&prefn2=patternProjectType&prefv2=Tops

Thank you for any help you can give me.

I think this is the pattern. The link above doesn’t go directly to it for me.

I’m sorry I can’t help with your question.

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I wound say, “Yes.” The first and last 26 sts each must stay in pattern over the next 8 rows. The center 46 will be 8 rows of garter stitch forming the bottom hem of the neck line.


Thank you for your reply.

Thank you that is what I thought but I wanted to be sure.

My next question is the for the shape neck it states to start the the row on the wrong side. Does that mean to knit the first row like in the pattern which is the right side and then use the 2nd row purl to work the 26 in pat, then k the 4 sts, and then cast off the center 38 center sts. K4 then the 26 in pat?

Shape neck: Next row: (WS). Pat
26 (38-38-50-62) sts. K4. Cast on
center 38 (38-50-50-50) sts. K4
(including st on needle after cast
off). Pat 26 (38-38-50-62) sts.

Pattern Rows
1st row: (RS). Knit.
2nd row: Purl.
3rd row: K1. (K2tog) twice. *(yo.
K1) 4 times. (K2tog) 4 times. Rep
from * to last 9 sts. (yo. K1) 4 times.
(K2tog) twice. K1.
4th row: Knit

Thank you for your help

Under Place pattern for neck shaping, the first row is given. Repeat that row 8 more times which means that you’ll end having completed row 9, a right side row. This should be a pattern row 1, a knit row.

The Shape neck directions will then start on a wrong side row (pattern row 2). So finish working the right side row and then use the purl row to work the 26 in patt, k4, cast off center 38, k4, 26 in patt. (The pattern has a mistake which you noticed where it says “Cast on center 38…” but means cast off.)

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Thank you for all your help. When I started this pattern I had downloaded it in 2021 and now I see that it was updated April 1, 2022.
My last questions on this pattern is for the following:

Cont in pat on last 26 (38-38-50-
62) sts, AT SAME TIME, working
garter st across 4 sts at neck edge
until work from beg measures 25
(25-26-26-26)" [63.5 (63.5-66-66-
66) cm], ending with a WS row.
ending with a wrong side row which is (pattern row 2)
Does that mean to cast off 10 sts on the pattern row and cast off 10 sts on row 4?
Then work the last 10 sts in pattern row 1 thru 4?
Shape shoulder: Cast off 10
(14-14-18-22) sts beg next and
following alt row.
Work 1 row even in pat. Cast off
rem 10 (14-14-18-22) sts.

This part I know what to do.
With RS facing, join yarn to rem sts.
K4. Pat 26 (38-38-50-62) sts.
Cont in pat on 26 (38-38-50-62)
sts, AT SAME TIME, working garter
st across 4 sts at neck edge until
work from beg measures 25 (25-
26-26-26)" [63.5 (63.5-66-66-66)
cm], ending with a RS row.

Can you please explane how to complete the shape shoulder for this side?
Shape shoulder: Cast off 10
(14-14-18-22) sts beg next and
following alt row.
Work 1 row even in pat. Cast off
rem 10 (14-14-18-22) sts.***

Thank you, once I have this information I will be type up the notes on how to knit this top for the future if I decide to make it again.

If you’re casting off at the armhole edge on row 2 then the next cast off is on row 4 at that same armhole edge. Continue in pattern and with the last 4sts (these are at the neck edge) in garter on row 5 and cast off these last 10sts on row 6.

The second set of Shape shoulder directions are similar to the first shoulder. Cast off 10sts at the armhole edge, then cast off 10 more sts 2 rows later (the next time you begin the row at the armhole edge). Work one more row and cast off the last 10sts.

Excellent idea to keep good notes on this pattern and how to work it. It’s so easy to forget the details when you go to complete a second version of a favorite.