I began knitting last summer and knitted for quite a while before I became busy and had to stop. However, since it’s summer again, I decided that I would, again, begin knitting. However, I have an issue.
Once I began to actually knit after putting on the amount of, er, loopy things (I’m so sorry, I haven’t knitted for a year and forget the terminology) on the one needle, the yarn between the two needles after I move the first loopy thing onto the other needle stretches out. Before long, I have a long piece of yarn between the two needles.
I have no idea what is causing this. I don’t think it’s the yarn, because I tried two different brands of yarn and the same thing happened to each. Is it my needles? Something I’m doing wrong? Please help, as I’m trying to knit a scarf before it gets chilly so it would be good to start now. Thank you!