Yarn for sale

Hello everyone and thank you for reading my post!
My name is Mark and my Mom passed away a year ago and cleaning out her house I have amassed a huge amount of needlepoint, crochet, quilting and knitting supplies.
I have no idea what to do with it all!
I thought about selling it on line but that is just crazy, if you do not know your way around the internet, so I was hoping someone that frequents the group might be able to point me in the right direction.
I would like to get a couple of dollars for the stock but if someone knows of a worthy charity that could use this type of stuff I would gladly donate it if it gets to be used–I really would hate to just toss it all.
If there is any one that can help please reach out. I live in cecil county but travel up and down the I95 corridor into Baltimore a couple of times a week so I can deliver.
Thanks for reading.

Welcome to KH!
I’m very sorry for your loss. It’s kind of you to take the time to look for places to donate your mother’s crafting supplies.
I do know of a group in Frederick MD that might be interested. Carewear Volunteers make hand knit and crocheted as well as sewn items for donation to hospitals around the US and abroad. If you send a photo of some of the yarn and supplies, they’ll be able to tell you if they can use them.

(It would be a good idea to remove your email and phone from your post to avoid spam bots. Anyone on the forum can contact you via forum private message.)

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Hi Mark. I too am sorry to hear about your loss. So many young men would not bother to try and rehome the supplies. I am in the process of thinning out my stash because I already know my heir, my only brother, will just throw everything away. Value will not matter to him at all. So if I want my treasures to go to a good home, I have to do it myself. You are already showing a thoughtfulness that is rare.

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Hello Mark,

I’m sorry to hear of your mother passing away.

One possibility is to contact a local craft guild. They often accept donations of supplies and sell them at an annual fair. However, guilds for knitting and crochet, patchwork, and needlepoint tend to be separate, so you would need to divide the supplies into categories for this option.

If you would prefer to sell the items, yard sales often go well. A friend or relative might be able to help you price the items, and you will probably be surprised at the number of people who turn up to have a look.

I hope you find a good option.