Wrong side vs right side, dpns, socks, "knew knitter"

For years I have avoided knitting patterns out of intimidation.
I am making THIS year THE year I learn how to knit socks.

I need help.

Here is the pattern I am attempting, I say attempting because I have tried at least 1/2 a dozen times. I keep ripping it apart and starting over. I am determined.


Please suggest an easier pattern if there is one… LOL

I am using DPNS, and I am confused as to [B]which is the right side and which is the wrong side. [/B]

Knitting the Heel Flap

“Row 1: (wrong side) Slip the first stitch purlwise with the yarn in front, purl the rest of the stitches.”

Am I suppose to be turning the piece, back and forth as I knit, etc?
In other words, am I suppose to hold the working piece in my left hand, and knit onto my right hand needle? Then turn it and do the 2nd row?

I ask because there is no mention of turning it, but turning is used on the next step? …help

Turning the Heel

“Row 1: Slip 1, purl 5, purl 2together, purl one. Turn the work, leaving one stitch unworked. “

Where do I leave it? Seriously? Do I slip it onto the right hand needle? I assume I should not leave it by itself on the lonely needle, since all his neighbors have moved to the other needle. ~help

Thank you for reading, I have more questions, but I am determined to understand the above before I ask any more.

Please suggest an easier pattern if there is one… LOL

This is where I learned to knit socks. http://www.k1p1design1.com/socks.html Easier? I don’t know. It worked for me. I used circular needles, I don’t know whether that’s easier, either.

I have to leave specific answers to specific problems to others who know more than I do.

I hope you have a happy outcome with your socks. Completing a pair is a real confidence booster.

Am I suppose to be turning the piece, back and forth as I knit, etc? In other words, am I suppose to hold the working piece in my left hand, and knit onto my right hand needle? Then turn it and do the 2nd row?
Yes, you’re going to stop working in the round and work flat which means you’ll wor on the inside of the sock, which is the WS.

You leave the one st unworked on its needle, do not slip it, and you’ll go back to it later. This is normal for ‘short row heels’ on socks.

You might find Silver’s sock class a little easier to follow, though I think if you just do each step as written in your pattern, it will come out okay.

Welcome to socks! The first sock will give you fits, don’t worry. Your second sock will be much easier.:hug:

Just like in circular knitting, the RS of your sock is the outside of the tube, and the WS is the inside. Working socks on DPN is pretty much the same as working them on circulars, the only difference is the number of needles. I watched Kelley Pitkins[sp?] sock class on the tutorials page of knitpicks.com before I got the nerve up to even try one. It really takes the mystery out of socks. Take a looksee at her sock class there, and I promise all will be clear afterwards.

Good luck, and have fun with your socks!

Yep, I learned with the link Suzeeq posted…Silver’s Sock Class. I love all the photos.

Welcome to Knitting Help!

You might find Silver’s sock class a little easier to follow, though I think if you just do each step as written in your pattern, it will come out okay.

The link tells me: Uh oh … it’s a 404! (Page Not Found) :shrug:

Ooops. I mangled the link, here it is and I’ll fix the other one - http://www.cometosilver.com/socks/SockClass_Start.htm

Thank you for the link, I will look at the patterns next chance I get. The color and designs are intimidating. But I will give it a go. I am going to be a great aunt this year, I need to start knitting booties. I figure by August I should be able to accomplish at least one pair. LOL - thanks

I know asking about right side wrong side was a bit out there, but I was just messing around with the dpns, just knitting, to get a feel for it and all. I kept having the work, instead of falling nicely down toward my lap, it was coming UP from the DPNS, I don;t know if I was twisting it or what. I was doing something with knitting needles, just not sure it could be classified as knitting.

thanks I will review the classes, links etc

It’s how you’re holding the needles. You should have them similar to how the knitting looks in thispictu[U]re[/U] and after a few more rounds it’ll go down toward your lap.

RS vs WS is never an out there question. Some of us knitters have very non-standard holds on the needles with our hands or fingers, some of us knit on straight needles held beneath an arm or between our legs. Add English, Continental, & other styles for even more variation to the how to’s. Figuring out what it should look like can be a challenge, so it was a great question! :hug:

I replied about kelley’s sock class on my iPad, which I can use but not well so couldn’t get the link in the reply. Now that I’m on my laptop where it’s bookmarked here it is: http://www.knitpicks.com/tutorials/Kelleys_Sock_Class__L10071301.html.

The Anatomy of a Sock video was what convinced me they were doable.:happydance:

Thank you so much - that video looks [B]exactly [/B]like what I need.

I just watched Anatomy of a sock, and will watch all the other videos in that class.

Now to learn about yarn…

Thanks again!

whoo…Hoo “A” Sock, my FIRST sock is completed. Thank you for the help! http://www.knittinghelp.com/forum/showthread.php?t=107725

One question, is slip, slip knit the same as knit 2 together?

here is the row I am referring to:

Row one: Knit straight across the first needle. On the second needle, knit 1, [B]slip, slip, knit[/B], and knit to the end of the needle. On the third needle, knit to within 3 stitches of the end of the row, [B]knit two together[/B], and knit the last stitch.

Both k2tog and ssk are decreases but k2tog produces a right leaning decrease and ssk produces a left leaning decrease. When you use them together on either end of your knitting, it produces a balanced look. You can see a video of ssk (and ssk improved) on the Glossary tab at the top of this page.

No they lean differently. Look on the Decreases page for both of them.