Wrong side row?

Hello! I have a pattern that told me to start knitting a 2x2 rib with the ws & was just confused since what I’ve been told for rib is that you can choose what side would be ws. I eventually decrease the rows to get to a stockinette stitch where I have to do the same thing and was looking for some clarity! I usually ask my grandma for help, but I figured this could be fun! :slight_smile:

Is this at the beginning of your project? Rib should be reversible, but it does make a difference if you are in the middle.

it is in the beginning of my project, it’s the waste band of a sweater. I then have to decrease the row and start the stockinette stitch in ws as well.

Long tail cast on got a right side and a wrong side, so if it is something you knit flat and you begun with a long tail cast on you are on the wrong side when working the first row.

Are the decreases in the very first row you work or in the 2nd one? If 2nd row, then by starting Ithaca WS row, you’ll work your dec on the RS. With the exception of lace, it seems most patterns tend toward doing decreases on the RS. Or maybe it’s just my imagination…? :thinking:


As @engblom said the long tail cast on has a right and a wrong side. I learned this same thing not so long ago.
I will add that if you use a different cast on there would also be a side that is the right side of the cast on, the side you want to be the right side. Other types of cast on such as cable cast on has a right side and a wrong side, but you might also do a fancy kind of cast on and want to make sure it faces the right way.

Thank you all so much for your help!!! I was able to figure it out!