I am in yet another pickle with this Purl Soho half and half triangle wrap (I wish I’d never started it!!) Its all borne out of my inexperience but I’ll try and explain my current problem. Due to many people (new knitters I guess) struggling with the Purl Soho tutorial (as it’s in stocking stitch and the pattern for the wrap is garter stitch) I’ve wrapped and turned as per a utube video by the unapologetic knitter that I was directed to and I think its going to cause me issues when picking up the wraps later.
This is how I’ve done it:
How To: Wrap & Turn in Garter Stitch - YouTube
W&T - move working yarn to front between the needles, slip next st purlwise from LH to RH needle, move working yarn to back between needles (creating a collar around the slipped st), transfer the st back to the LH needle purlwise. Turn work. Move working yarn to back between sts with the RS facing (as to
knit the next st).
I’ve only wrapped about 30 stitches up to now (which still equates to many hours of knitting for me!) so I guess with another 230 stitches to go I could perhaps change it and try and sort the 30 out when I come to them. (I just can’t contemplate taking it all out).
I did have a conversation with a knitter in the comments on the unapologetic knitters tutorial and she directed me to another video showing how to pick up the wraps when I’d asked her how she’d done it.
I quote her "Yes, I am picking up the wraps, a step that is called for in the H+HTW pattern. However, it took me FOREVER to find a YouTube video that actual showed me how to do that step when working in garter stitch. This video does not have sound, but the visual is so good that no sound is needed. It covers both steps, the wrap+turn and then the pick up the wrap step. That second step starts at about 1:50 in the video below. Here is the link to the video: https://youtu.be/rFaxEY-gf5s.
When we discussed my wrap and turns were slightly different she said:
The video I posted to you matches the written instructions of the actual H+HTW pattern as far as doing the wrap and turn: you slip the stitch from the left needle to the right needle before bringing the yarn to the front. In other words, you do not bring the yarn forward until AFTER you slip the stitch from the left needle to the right needle. I do not know if your following the instructions in the video shown here about bringing the yarn forward BEFORE you slip the stitch from the left needle to the right will make any difference or not. I sympathize with your frustration with the H+HTW pattern. I knitted four small samples of that pattern (using a cast-on of 40 sts) before I finally got one right. I did not want to order the Linen Quill yarn until and unless I first was able to master the pattern.
So my problem is this second tutorial did not take into account my first move of the yarn forward prior to slipping the stitch the first time and I can’t find anything to help me when I get to that stage.
So it it all solvable or am I indeed in a pickle with it.
Thank you again - I think I’d be better taking up a different hobby wouldn’t I !