World Wide Knit in Public Day (WWKIPD). Anyone heard of this?

Someone gave me a Knitters Page-a-Day calendar from the Yarn Harlot. On June 12, she mentions the World Wide Knitting in Public Day and it sounds like fun!!!

Has anyone else heard of this?? Will you be participating? Go to to find out more. Unfortunately, there aren’t any events locally for me to participate in.

What do you all think???

Sure, it happens every year. :wink:

I knit in public all the time…mostly at the LYS. :wink:

My LYS sponsors a weekend long event (or, they did last year) but I don’t think they were listed on the official site. If you have an LYS, you might want to talk to them specifically to see if they have something going on.

The group my friends and I started (Get Lit and Knit) is planning on celebrating this all week long :slight_smile:

We had 25 people show up to our last gathering (which was only our 2nd) so we should be rockin’ by the time KIP day comes!!!

I participated last year in Fort Worth, TX. We knit at the Kimball Art Museum. It was HOT, but fun. I met some new people and even learned how to magic loop properly. I am going to do it again this year. But I don’t want to be outside.

I like knitting in public, I get all kinds of comments about it and people always ask what I’m making. :mrgreen: It’s always so much fun. Plus, it’s something fun to do while spending my breaks.

i quite fancy doing that at our shopping center one day, see what kind of reaction i would get

I have participated in the past with a slight variation, I do a “knit in public kilted Day”,

Hello knitcindy,

I read about this earlier this week while browsing lace wrap patterns for a bridal shower gift. I’ve been experimenting with different stitch combos and it is a happy coincidence that I have three new scarves because…

The National Post did an article about 3 Toronto groups who are joining together to attempt a World Record and they are hoping for 1000+ participants. I started knitting last fall and am looking forward to the opportunity to meet other knitters.

I was especially interested in joining the fun when I read that they will be acceptions donations for a charity that provides woolies for homeless. Nice to know that the “new” scarves will be well-used.

Yep, it’s every year. I knit in public regularly so I don’t plan to do anything special.

sounds fun. I don’t hide my knitting anyways, so yup, I might look for some nice public place to gather attention!
my LYS probably never heared about it, but I will mention it :wink:

Thanks to whoever dug this thread up!!! I’d forgotten all about it! Now that the big weekend is here, I discovered that the only “in public” knitting I’ll be able to do that day is outside in my front yard!

Most of my knitting is done in my living room or occasionally at the public library! People always stare at me when I’m there, especially when I’m using my size 50 Speed Stix!!!

Happy WWKIP Day!!!

What a cool idea!

Did you check out the (DFW) plan for this year? Rachel (Angelcow) is coordinating the day…riding the train. should be cooler than last year. I don’t know if I’m going to get to it this year…but, I’m going to try.

If you want to see if there’s an official KIP event in your country/state/city…check out the official website. You may find one right down the road:teehee:

Haha, so right. Actually I found out there’s going to be one at the place I usually hang out with my friend with. We’re going to check it out next Saturday.

too bad, there is no place near me, I found.
But I will sit in a concert hall tomorrow and knit during the dress rehearsal (don’t worry, nobody minds). So I can knit away happy as a clam :wink:
(Must be hard even for the happiest clam to knit away! )

Ours is going to be today, but I think it’ll be rained out. It’s supposed to be rainy and only about 45 degrees. My fingers’ll freeze up too much to knit outside.

I knit in public quite often, but I’m trying to get some folks here interested in doing it as an event to get more people interested. All four of us should be able to drag another person in… kicking and screaming that they were at the hobby store to get scrapbooking supplies. :wink:

have fun - being a missionary on a religious crusade :smiley:

I already did turn my apprentice at the office into a knitter. Is that public? She feels SO accomplished that she mastered a baby hat and a (rather large) baby blanket and both baby and mother just loved them. I am happy I started her out on this journey and she is sooo happy with it.