Working a WS row… help what does this mean?

Hi sorry for probably a dumb question but I’m super new to knitting.
I’m making a baby sweater that says “end by working a WS row”

I know WS means wrong side but does this mean to just pearl a row? Or knit a row? Help!

The pattern is Ann Norling #53 and I’m on the neck portion of the pattern. (Row 4 instructions to be exact)

Thanks from any experienced knitters out there than can help me.

This means to end it on a purl row, if you’re workinf stockinette

Welcome to KH. Is this your pattern? @Jo.yarns (welcome!) has the answer, purl the WS row since it’s stockinette, so I just found the pattern for reference. The next row should be instructions for a RS row. And it’s not a dumb question, I know I wondered the same thing and finally got it into my head what this means. We’d love to see photos if you wish to share.

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No question is dumb, just ask whatever you need to ask and ask as many questions as you need so you can continue with your project and enjoy your knitting.

Smart looking sweater pattern.


Thank you everyone!! I will for sure post a pic when I finish it! :heart_eyes: