Wool question

Any good online sources to buy wool or a wool mix that is at least 75% wool? I’ve never seen plymouth or the others in my lys…



Sheeeeew, I was all excited about that site because I’d never really considered the musk ox as a knitting option, but man! $80 for a single hat kit? I’ve never met anyone who could afford yarn like that. Hmmm, maybe if I tell the boyfriend it’s a present for him…
Oh, boyfriend…

Somewhere, in the back of one of the knitting magazines I get, there was an ad, whose come-on line was, “For people who can have anything they want.” I bet THEY can get musk-ox. :frowning:

Plymouth Encore is only 25% wool anyway. But it is a nice yarn. That’s what I’m using on an afghan right now.

Check out the “Favorite online store” thread for some good links. :slight_smile: