I’m so excited! I checked my email this morning and waiting in my inbox was an invitation to Ravelry. Now I’m trying to gather my paltry little stash together so I can put it all in before it grows. :teehee: Now I’ll be able to follow all of those links some of you put up:woot: . I’m knitmama2 on Ravelry.
Congrats, Knitmama! I’ll add you to my friends! I’m sure you’ll enjoy it immensely! I also hope you have a lot of free time on your hands, because you’ll need it!
I’m in, too! There I’m under dorothydot :woot:
Had no idea it would take less than a month.
BTW, how did you get that cute l’il Ravelry icon in your signature?
Now to learn what Ravelry is all about. This is exciting! :cheering:
I just started on Ravelry too! I spent this morning posting my entire stash and current projects. I even took photos of everything to remind myself what I have. Seeing it all laying out on the floor really made me realize how much stashed wool I have. Hmm,think I should work on shrinking it … just after I get my hands on some Malabrigo. I really want to see what the big fuss is about with that one!