Woohoo! going to Dubai for Vacation!

So FINALLY got the go ahead for my vacation!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: and i’m going to Dubai to visit my father who works there with my brother and sister. I know there is a KH member that lives there.

Is there any knitting stores there? The last time i was there I saw fabric stores (which were fabulous but i couldn’t find any knitting stores) but i kept getting lost with all the construction. my brother and sister are willing to go because they both love the sweaters that i made them.

Oh I would love to go there! Lucky you!

what a small world we live in! I just found out that my granddaughter will be going there too during the Feb. break. She will be staying with friends who work there.:star:

Hi, I was was lucky enough to go to Dubai when i was pregnant with my son . Anbout 7 years ago. It is a wonder place that is clean and hospitable. We stayed at the Jeremaiah beach hotel which was just dreamy. The room were bigger than my whole apartment lol.
I am not sure if there are any yarn shops there as i was not knitting in those days but there was lots of beautiful material and gold jewellery.
I am sure you will have a lovely time. It is very hot there so take plenty of sun lotion.:slight_smile:

I will be there feb 23-march 3.


My father lives near there. He lives by the new harbor that they just built.

Here is the view from his apt overlooking the dubai harbor. I really hope to find a nice knitting store. I will pick up some nice fabric though.

that’s funny I will be there feb 23 through March 3. maybe we can see each other.

if i don’t find any knitting stores at least i can pick up some beautiful fabrics.

My father lives by the dubai harbor area.

here is a pic of the view from his apt.

My sister is there on business right now. She works for MD Andersen in Houston. She is staying at the Grand Hyatt (:inlove: ) where a room goes for about $450 a night. Good thing she doesn’t have to pick up the tab! So far, she hasn’t located any yarn. I doubt they would have much wool considering how hot it is there. Lots of good fabric though…