We only have ONE LYS, and it’s called a Stitch in Time.
ONE! I was in there Saturday, and boy, is their markup high!
I bought a couple of things, though.
Wonderful News! Please Advise!
affordable, too!
I need to look around for my favorite colors, there.
I’m worried that it will shrink up, and all my work will be ruined.
That’s the ONLY reason I don’t like wool.
It seems scary. I taught a felting class, and just freaked out, thinking about my relatives throwing the stuff I had knittted them, in the dryer. So, I ONLY use yarn that won’t shrink.
Can you help me get over my fear?:out:
Superwash Wool! It does not shrink or felt. I prefer superwash merino because it is so soft! I love ArtYarns Supermerino. I also have some (but haven’t washed it yet) Moda Dea Superwash Wool from Joanns. If you use the 40% coupon it is 4.80/166 yard skein which is a great price for superwash merino.
Yeah! How fun!!! If you don’t go the KP Options route. Have you tried Woolgirl.com or theloopyewe.com for yarn? They have some really nice stuff on their sites. I have found some really nice yarn there recently and absolutely love the brands they sell.
I’m not happy with Loopy Ewe. I’ve had an order with them for about a week, and have tried to call them on the phone, no answer. I emailed them, no reply. I’m glad I didn’t send any money.
Oh no. Thats too bad. I’ve never had a problem with them. I hope everything gets resolved for you.
Moda Dea super wash wool? I’ll have to check it out.
superwash merino…did you know merino sheep are very expensive to raise?
I’ve been looking in to that stuff.
Also been asking the farm owners, the llama, alpaca, and sheep farmers here in Florida if they can recommend someone to teach me how to spin yarn. So far, nothing really.