Women pullover

Did any one do this pattern before I cant get it work out

Welcome to KnittingHelp!
Can you give us more information on the pattern, the exact name, the designer or company?
If you give us that and a few rows that are causing the problem, we may be able to help. Don’t give us a large portion of the pattern due to designer copyright.

I bought it in esty it says kni to the chart in width start the row with the sts in front of the first arrow finished after second arrow at the last arrow 3 pur stitch after the first arrow there 3 purl so that 6 purls you do when I do it it just doesn’t look right

Can you post a link to the pattern on etsy please? It would be really useful so the community can offer as much help as possible. I’m sure you can get some help so don’t give up.

Usually with these charts the arrows are marking off the repeat. Start at the right side of the chart and work to the first arrow. Continue up to the second arrow and then repeat the section between the first and second arrows as many times as necessary. When you have repeated this section and only have a few sts left, finish with the section after the second arrow.

Thankyou I start to do it now hopefully it work out

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