I am so greatful for a site that I can get help and share what I’m working on. I started out on January 4th asking for help just getting the hat started and received wonderful help. I got stuck again and read and re-read threads from others who had trouble also. I took the hat to my local knit group and had one of my friends sit next to me while we read the comments. I finally took a deeeeep breath and jumped in. I tore it out once but jumped in again and the light bulb turned on!!! :happydance: I will post a picture when I finish the hat. Thank you again for such a great site!!!
WIP Robin Hood Hat
I’m looking forward to seeing the finished hat! Good for you for persisting and getting help in different ways.
I can’t wait to see your FO, and I’m happy to hear you’re conquering your hat pattern.
Good for you! Can’t wait to see it!