I would like to make videos ‘how to make all kinds of sweaters without patterns’, and some other tricks, like crocheting seems … so I appreciate all kinds of feedback. I am still doing research and when I gather enough info, I will start a new thread about it and I hope you will be kind enough to let me know if my project makes any sense. Basically, I would love to teach people what I know because it’s a fun, creative and easy thing to do – make your own garments. I have this simple analogy I am planning to use and some funky animation to make videos interesting. But it’s a lot of work and I wonder if it can be profitable at all? Or it can be just a hobby? I [I]love[/I] the enterprenual spirit of the website and your guildelines about intellectual property and small business support as well as free sharing are all very dear to my heart
And I would gladly write a pattern (if I could, I will try) – it seems that some people would be interested. I am registereed on Ravelry but didn’t post anything yet.
So thank you again for your interest, you inspire me