Winter preview for Vogue Knitting is up!

the Winter preview on is up!! i love love the tweed jacket with the red belt!! the also really like the chunky cable scarf. the other tweed jacket would look so good on my lil sister.

i really like the cable multicolor jacket (though i would do it in a solid) and the cable short sleeve sweater.

what do you guys think?

Ack! I am totally taken with this sweater:

:inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

I like the one on the far right here:

Also the one on the far right here:

Everybody is coming out with patterns for that type of cable yoke now. I first saw it in Victoria’s Secret last year:

But I guess it’s from this sweater that the trend really started?

I guess at 850 pounds, it’s better to knit it yourself.

I can’t seem to get the vogue knitting website to work - hopefully the site is back up later - I want to see the new stuff! :slight_smile: