Yeah, back in Janurary…I opened my trap and made the statement:
MY 2008 KNITTING GOAL is: 1) learn to do entrelac, 2) learn to knit a sock.
Well, the meter is running! It is almost October!
I bit the bullet…and took a class last Saturday! Entrelac.
It was 3 hrs. I was a tad disappointed. The class scarf was “garterlac”. Yack.
I wanted to learn “entrelac”…you know…where the right side of the little squares and triangles is stocking stitch.
Well, I muddled along, trying to follow the pattern along using knits on the right side, and purls on the wrong side. Didn’t get too far. No one did.
I tore out my scarf when I got home.
Yesterday, I googled the word “entrelac”…and printed out 4 really great entrelac tutorials. I feel good about the visuals and photos.
The class was worth the effort. It did help me get over a few really mysterious points in transitioning from squares to triangles at the beginning and ends of rows. So I have plans for an entrelac scarf for my dear Granddaughter! Will cast on in October.
[COLOR=Blue][B]Now…about the socks:[/B][/COLOR]
I have not, as yet, mustered up the courage to try a sock.
I taught myself how to do magicloop technique!
Played Amy’s magicloop video about a hundred times!
I hate working with dpn’s. Just hate it.
So, my sock endeavor will have to employ either [B]magicloop, or the 2-circulars method.[/B]
Can someone steer me? Which is easiest to apply to sock knitting…
and which one gives the nicest looking sock? I know it might be an opinion question, but I’d appreciate your input!
And, which lesson/tutorial would you recommend? A lot of people can knit well…but not a lot of people can TEACH well.
I really wanna achieve my 2008 Knitting Goal…and thereby join the rest of the world of knitters and make a gosh darn sock!
Interesting tidbit: one of my knitter magazines has a sock tutorial for ENTRELAC SOCKS! Teehee!