Wilderness Sweater yoke

Hi all!

Hope you are having a great day.

I am still working on my Wilderness sweater by Linka Neumann. I have started joined my arms finally but am a bit stuck with the yoke. I have 234 stitches on my needles.

I figured out I have 100 stitches on both sleeves in total and the front and back have 67 each. I put a stitch marker on stitch 34 of the front panel to mark my middle stitch to centre the pattern. The chart comprises 6 stitches with number 4 being the single contrast colour (aka brown). She says I need to count backwards, placing a stitch marker on number 6 of the chart until I get to the beginning of the round. I did this and have done 4 rounds. But I just spotted that my start of the round is on stitch 5 of the 6 chart repeat. I think I must have centred the pattern wrong.

The start of my round is at the back of the left sleeve. Does anyone have any advice on finding the middle front stitch?

This is such a good-looking graphic.
The center stitch for the front should be stitch 34 as you have marked. That means that you have 84sts from the beginning of round marker to the center front stitch.
I figure that you should start the first stitch after the beginning of round marker (between the back and the left shoulder) on stitch 5 which is what you have done. I’m assuming that you want the middle stitch on the front to be stitch 4 in the chart?
Have you counted the stitches again just to make sure there are 84 from the beginning of round marker to your center stitch? Eighty-four is evenly divisible by the chart repeat of 6.

Alternatively, since you can see that stitch 5 doesn’t work can you adjust to the correct pattern stitch to make the chart center on chart stitch 4? In fact, looking at the Ravelry photos, the pattern doesn’t seem to center on the front.

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Thank you so much salmonmac for getting back so fast and giving this a lot of thought, you are absolutely the best.

I have just now double checked and it is definitely 84 stitches from the beginning of the round to the middle (phew!). I am new to colourwork jumpers and really did expect the round to begin on chart stitch one. Is that typical of colourwork jumpers?

I think the issue I am having is that because the last few stitches of the diamond motif begins on the new round, I find it a bit weird. Maybe I’m focusing too much on the beginning of the round and should just focus on developing each motif as it’s own entity.

I’ve seen this is pattern where you have to count back from the center to the bor. I wish the designer had counted back and saved me the trouble. A stitch off isn’t too bad and is hardly noticeable (except to the knitter).
I think you’re right about focusing on the motifs. The photos don’t seem all that centered to me to begin with.
It should be a fun knit from now on. I’m adding it to my queue.

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Ah okay! Well I’ll give it a go :slight_smile: hopefully it’ll look as great as the one in the book!

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I also think it’s just a wee bit off-center…maybe because it’s an even number? The exact center would fall beween 2 stitches. To have a single stitch as a center, you’d need an odd number of stitches.

And this sweater is adorable! Enjoy the rest of your project, and please post a photo when you’re done!

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