Why does some people slip with their first stitch when starting their first roll of garter stitch.
and also I
was told that some people will pearl the last stitch while knitting garter stitches.
What is the purpose of it?
Is it just as well that we knit or pearl whatever the pattern tells us to do.
Why ?
My Mom thought me that way, supposed to be nicer edge for sowing. But it is many different ways to do edges depending of project or designs.
I’m not liking it .
Someone else said just to slip stitch the first stitch, but do not pearl the last stitch.
I may be wrong, but I think it’s to give a neater edge, as the end stitches can be a bit looser sometimes.
I’ve tried it but don’t like it, personally.
I agree !
Slipped edge stitches are sometimes used to disguise sloppy edges. That’s a tension issue and hiding the problem doesn’t solve it. IF I do slip stitch edges I slip the first stitch purlwise and knit the last stitch.
Good thought ! Thanks !
I think you’ll like this video from Roxanne Richardson
You asked why, and she answers.
My mum taught me basic knitting when I was a kid, she said always slip the first stitch OR knit into the back loop of the first stitch of each row. I asked why, she couldn’t tell me (something about bumps, something about sewing). I didn’t see the point of it so I’ve never done it.
I work my edges like the rest of the row, if a pattern tells me to slip the first stitch, if I see no reason for it, I don’t bother I just work it. If a pattern tells me to keep the selvedge in garter stitch and the rest is stockinette and this selvedge is a seam for sewing, I do not make it in garter stitch, I keep it in stockinette. Knitters choice.
However, I only really make sweaters, all my edges are seamed and for that I like a stockinette edge. I don’t make scarves, shawls, blankets, or table runners. If I did I might rethink my edging because there are some lovely edges made from simply slipping stitches, they help keep a piece flat (reduce curling) and look attractive.
Here’s bunch of edges with examples of when to use them
You are so kind , I enjoyed your message.
Thank you for taking the time to tell me your thoughts, bless you , thank you.
Any time I have a “why” question about knitting, I go to Roxanne! She often tells me more than I really want to / need to know, but she makes it easy to skip to specific points in all of her videos.
Patty Lyons is also good for “why” questions. It’s often easier to remember a technique if you know why to do it a certain way.
And who are these people? I’m sorry I haven’t been on this wonderful knitting place for a very long.
Do they have a website that you could give me?
Oh I see Roxanne ! Awesome, thanks
I saw a Patty Lyons video for a different way to do a cdd. I decided to try her way and then modified it. I was working about a zillion or more cdd’s and anything that made them easier for me was welcome.
I think you figured out who Rox is. Here’s a link for Patty.
What others said. I used to slip the first stitch purlwise and not change the last stitch. However, I thought the edges looked a little loose when doing that and I make a lot of baby things. I don’t want any chance of catching their little fingers in larger stitches or holes. I make everything for babies with no holes which means I often pass on beautiful patterns.
If it is not knitting, but may be a pearl stitch that is required.
is still OK to slip stitch to pearl at the end?
OK, I said that wrong forget what I said in the first paragraph.
If you are using a pattern that calls for something besides knitting, it’s still OK to slip the last stitch, pearl knit the first stitch, even if it is supposed to be a pearl stitch?
Hope I wasn’t too confusing !!!
How about a good, firm I don’t have a good answer? IMHO the best thing is try try different selvedge stitches and see what works for you. A lot of it comes down to personal preference. The link above to Nimble Needles’s tutorial is a good one. I’m pretty sure he also did a video on the different edge treatments. I just finished a blanket with seed stitch borders and worked it out so that each row began and ended with a knit. On this I used no selvedge edge treatment. Depending on your pattern you might need to add two stitches to work as selvedge stitches if you want them. There are many variables. Do you have a specific project you’d like to ask about?
No, just heard about different ways to start and end a row. I am sure surprised that all the different ways to start our and a project. Thank you for your help.
Pearl Knit first stitch ?
There could be as many ways as there are knitters. Even those who do basically the same thing may well have their own way of doing it. I plan to knit only until I’ve learned all I can. I’m pretty sure I won’t live that long.
edited because event should be even. I should learn to read and type.