Which Amy do you like better?

Have you guys noticed that one time the old Amy pic comes up and the next time the "new’ amy pic comes up?
Which one do you like better??

I think I am still partial to the old one (although Amy looks great) in all of them~!! :muah:

I voted new picture.

The background in the new pic doesn’t go with the color scheme of the website. That color is not repeated anywhere in the website, so it looks bleh to me.

Beautiful either way, it was nice to see another picture of her.

I just :heart: Amy.

It’s just a nice change, though.

Well, I don’t know which is which, but the current pic is very pretty!

I like the old pic. I guess that’s because it’s the one I’m used to. I also like the one for the store.

:muah: :hug:

Nadja xxx

Voted old. It seems like it was more home-y-ish… ya know? :teehee:

I really like the new pic, she looks very good in it.

I think they are all beautiful and am very grateful that nobody does a poll like this about any of MY pictures! :pout:

Same here…I like all the pictures of Amy! :muah:

I didn’t get to vote but I like the NEW picture better. :happydance:

SHe looks great now matter how you look at her. :muah:

i didn’t get to vote, but for whatever reason I liked the old one better.