Whew, so glad to be back!

back for a bit, at least…I sooo missed KH last week! :waah:

So sorry to have been away for so long! I know it was just a week, but it felt like [B]FOREVER[/B]! On business trips, I barely have time to sleep much less do anything remotely resembling “me time.” Unfortunately that meant no KH and just as bad, no knitting! :pout:

The good news is that I’m starting a new job at the end of the month, so I’ll happily get to knit and read/post on KH until then. The bad news is that I’ll be on the road for a bit immediately thereafter while learning the ropes and unable to read/post to KH. The things we do to indulge our yarn habit…

I thought you’d been a bit scarce. Glad to see you again.

Congratulations on the new job! :muah: :hug:

Glad to see you back! It’s tough when real life intervenes. :hug:

Many, many thanks, GG! I’ve missed you! :hug:

I’ve been working part time, but it was all travel, and the down time between trips could be as little as 2 days, or as much as 2 months. Lately it’s been of the 2 month between trips variety which really came in handy for knitting and posting, and posting and knitting.:slight_smile:

After the 27th, with my return to full time work with at most a couple weeks travel a month, I’ll be lurking here (must have my KH fix!) until I learn the ropes and get settled.

My last boss describes his company and it’s policy with we contractors as being like the Hotel California: “you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.” KH is much like that!:mrgreen:

LOLOL Jan! It is, isn’t it?

One of my first thoughts was “Now I can buy more yarn!”:woohoo:

I’m not so sure that’s a good thing, now that I think on it.:roflhard:

Haha! Yeah, working would encourage that stash enabling disease we all have. :teehee: I don’t work, but still somehow manage to have a good size stash. Good thing I enjoy making anything at all so I’ve been knitting charity hats of all sizes. They’re a good “on the road” project if you need one for traveling, too. :thumbsup:

A week! I’ve been gone for 2 days and it seems like forever. lol

I moved over the weekend, then had trouble getting the internet up and going, but that seems to be fixed now.

Moved? And no internet? Wow! What would we do without you? Tell your ISP you are totally necessary here. May your unpacking go smoothly. You must need a good fix of knitting therapy.

Haha, Welcome Back, Charolette! couldn’t stay away from KH, huh? Hope to hear from you soon![I][/I] :slight_smile:

Well I’m back online. Took me nearly an hour and half this morning with both the ISP and the modem tech support. But we got it working.

Wondered where you were! Had to move again, huh? What a pain!

It was virtually painless. I’ve been living in a house with other people and had to delay getting my own place until I had a secure job. That happened last month and due to my unruly attitude toward life (rules, I don’t follow no steekin’ rules!), it was increasingly clear I couldn’t contine in the shared housing though it was cheap. So I have my own place now with my own kitchen, all my stuff out of storage (you don’t want to know how many bins of yarn that is…), can have anyone over any time, and all kinds of other benefits. And it was a lot easier than moving everything to another state like I did last summer. Even though there was a snowstorm the day before.

That week without KH or knitting was one of the worst of my life…:ick:

Gracious day! MOVED??? And back online already, even with internet troubles? You inspire me, Sue! :notworthy:

I’d turned my home office into a knitting room (knitting machines are portable, but just barely.;)), and now I’m breaking the machines down and converting back into an office. Feels almost like a move, only it’s just one room. Goodness, the stash I’ve acquired is truly frightening…

At least I have a desk again after a day of cleaning/organizing/storing! Maybe tomorrow I’ll have a floor too.:shrug:

It was only a mile from my previous place, plus getting some stuff out of my storage unit. One pickup load from each with a guy to help, and several trips with my car that were spread over several days. I still have some stuff to get out of storage - as soon as I put away what’s in the new place - and I don’t have to be out of there for 3 weeks. I don’t mind across town moves, with an overlap it just takes a couple car loads per day for a week or so.

The best part (besides the privacy, and all) - I get to control the thermostat and aren’t freezing my little knitting fingers off!!!

Oh good! I can’t imagine not being able to control that.

My daughter’s apt (in DC) has weird thermostat situation, too. At some point in the spring and fall they turn on and off the a/c. With the weather iffy in those seasons she sometimes freezes or suffers the heat…and she’s on the 8th floor. She can turn it off and on herself, but once the a/c is gone it’s gone and she can only control the temp so much. Strange.

Thank heavens it wasn’t a bad move for you. And what a perk for you - temperature control rocks!:yay:

Privacy and control of the thermostat. Good. It sounds like a good move. I’m glad for you.

Welcome Back! You are a valued member of our community!

Woo hoo! My home office has a desk, and a floor, in view (both clean finally ;)), and the yarn & machines are stored in the guest bedroom.

Even though my guest bedroom is only fit for miniature barnyard animals at the moment I think it’s time to treat myself to a bit of rest and fibernation…

I say we all stop what we’re doing and knit a spell. We’ll feel much better for it.:heart: