Some true white merino DK and/or sock yarn? I can find a lot of naturals and slightly off white but nothing that is pure white. Also, looking for fair prices on the yarn.
I don’t ask much!!
Some true white merino DK and/or sock yarn? I can find a lot of naturals and slightly off white but nothing that is pure white. Also, looking for fair prices on the yarn.
I don’t ask much!!
Try Knit Picks. They have a whole line of bare yarns for dying. DK merino is 4.29.
Fingerling is between 3.49-5.99.
That is where I was thinking of ordering from but in the pictures the yarns look natural to me (more off-white)… I was hoping to find a true white?
I’m looking at the catalogue right now and it does look kinda off-white. They do have both DK and fingerling in white and it’s cheaper than the bare.
You can call and ask them. They are very helpful and will answer all your questions.
i think you’re right about the bare not being true white.
starshine, if you do call, can you let us in on what you find out? i’ve been wondering about [I]white[/I] white yarn, too.
I have the bare yarn from Knit Picks and it is not pure white, it is a yellowish white. Pallette is a fingering wool yarn. I have the color samples and the white palette is pure white. The Swish DK is the superwash merino and it comes in white.
cdjack - I might give them a call tomorrow… if I do i’ll be sure to update the thread with what they say.
As for the Swish it does come in white but the yardage is much less and I don’t think it comes in fingering or lace weight… so I don’t think that’ll work for me.
I know there are true white out there because I see people selling their hand dyed yarns and they have a true white… perhaps they bleach them? I guess that might work?
All of the yarn for dying I see is natural color. I think most white yarn is bleached…why most white yarn won’t felt due to the bleaching process.
Leave wool in bleach too long though and it’ll disappear!