Just wondering. I think I’d like to make gifts for people next year but I’d proble have to work all year. Is that what most people do?
When do you start your Christmas knitting?
I should start them the day after Christmas! But I usually start in the Fall and have a mad dash to try to finish like I am now. Procrastination is great until the deadlines loom! lol!
Not soon enough
As I see things for the people I want to knit/crochet for, the pattern goes into a folder. There it sits until I need another WIP to think on.
Interesting question, it will be interesting to see what everyone writes.
It never seems to be early enough! A few years ago, I started to do some “serious” Christmas knitting, but I never finished all I planned.
I start thinking about it too late and then decide not to bother.
I knitted most of my gifts last year. Well this year not on your life. I got oh ok thank you! So I don’t think so I am going to knit for me. Oh the things that I am making for me :p.
This is what I do but sometimes they get them earlier, like as soon as I’m done, cause I get so excited about sharing them! LOL! CHRISTMAS IN JULY!!! :woohoo: :woot: :cheering: I am guilty of getting some last minutes done and learned to make socks in late October so still working on those… :knitting: :knitting: :knitting: My theme: Clickety Click!!! Mary
Since I re-learned to knit in July I decided then that I would make dishcloths as gifts. I had done quite a few in :gah: acrylic :gah: , now I’m doing more in cotton - I’m giving one or two of each depending on friend/family.
I plan to start in January 2008 for next Christmas since I would like to make socks for my kids and dh and lapghans or afghans for others. I’m hoping to get those done by March - before it gets too hot again.
It’s been my motto that it’s never too early to start Christmas shopping (or knitting). I’ve had presents stashed since April.
For a large project such as a sweater, I would start in January…February at the latest. I started the Strawberry Fields sweater and skirt set in June, 2006 and didn’t have it finished until February, 2007…GD didn’t come by to get it until nearly Easter.
This year I haven’t knitted anything, but have crocheted 2 pairs of slippers since the end of October. They can be seen on my blog Always A Beginner here at KH. I’m just finishing a tunisian crochet bag to hold one of the pairs of slippers for DD and hope to post a photo of it soon.
Think I may start knitting a sweater for GD this January.
This is only my second Christmas since I started knitting, so I haven’t had to do much Christmas knitting yet. I decided not to do any this year, but I was asked to knit a throw for my DBF’s grandma as a gift- so here I am knitting like a crazy woman before Christmas!
I usually start in April/May. That way, I’m giving myself MUCH more than enough time to finish, plus, It’s early enough so I can do a lot of projects for me and birthday gift projects throughout the year.
I procrastinate (I am very good at that ) until like December 10 to start knitting. Then all I do everyday is knit. Sometimes I knit while watching tv. I also like to listen to music when I knit. I noticed that I knit faster with music. Has that ever happened to anyone else?
I waited until too late to start scarves for my sisters. See, I didn’t pay attention to what kinds of knitting I like doing. Socks, gloves and hats on size 3 needles are vastly more fun than scarves on size 11 needles. Therefore, I’m hammering away at these scarves that I already told them I was making and wishing I could just make armwarmers for my exboyfriend.
I’m currently working on a Palindrome scarf for a friend in VA. I’ll probably mail it to her in January with a “Do not open until Christmas” tag on it. :mrgreen:
I started this year in July. I worked on smaller projects like scarves in July and August when it was hot. Moved onto larger projects when the temps started dropping.
I started in March, and I have made nothing but gifts since then! (I have a large family.) I’m making lots of scarves, gloves, hats, etc. Getting pretty tired of those scarves about now. And I have made so many pairs of Fetching and Dashing I have the patterns memorized. After Christmas I’m going to make something for me! That’s the plan, anyway.
It takes me a good year too to be able to have the presents finished. And besides I want to relax and enjoy the Christmas season/holyday too. I can knit what I want in December just for myself, sanity, and relaxation if the presents are already done. But of course that’s in a good year when I’ve been well enough to do the knitting. Actually this time it’s taken about 3 yrs to get the presents done. hehheheheh But that’s ok! I’ve spent 3 yrs thinking and planning and working on giving and that aint no chopped liver.
I googled Palindrome. What a cool idea to knit up a Palindrome Scarf. Did you make the Palindrome?
Oh btw… it’s so cool to see your pic! Is nice to see what peeps look like. Did you knit the hat and scarf in the pic? (hmm I presume it’s your pic. heheh)
FYI ‘Level’ is a palindrome.
Thanks. The Palindrome pattern is Silver’s creation. It can be found here. http://www.cometosilver.com/patterns/index.htm