My directions say to cast on 14 stitches, then to inc 1 st at each end of the next row and EOR 3 times. Is the cast on row the one I start my inc on or do I knit a row and then begin the inc?
When do I start my first row?
If there’s no other row between the CO and the ‘next’ row, then yes, inc on row 1.
Thanks for your prompt reply. I though I should start with the CO row but why wouldn’t they Judy say to start with 16 st rather than 14?
I wonder the same thing, there is undoubtedly a reason. Perhaps a knitted cast on which actually produces a row of knitting is the cast on the designer used?
It really doesn’t make a real row when you use the LT caston. People say that because of the purl bumps but after you do a few rows, it really doesn’t look like a regular knit row. But really, giving the instructions for the ‘next row’ right after the CO instructions is the same thing as using ‘row 1’. Maybe she wrote it like that so it can be repeated.