Do you have a pattern that you’ve been dying to knit, but every time you try it just doesn’t work?? Tell me about it and let’s commiserate our frustration!
I have been trying to knit the “Silver Bells Scarf” for about 4 years now or so.
Every time I see the pattern I just HAVE to knit it, but every time no matter how well I read the pattern, count my stitches and try to go slow and steady I always end up missing stitches within a couple rows and having a messed up pattern.
I have NO IDEA why this happens. I’m a fairly seasoned knitter, I’m not new to lace knitting and I can definitely do all the stitches required in the pattern. I’ve checked the pattern over and over and from other’s completed projects it is definitely correct… which frazzles me even more.
I keep trying though. This is a pattern that I am determined to knit!
Tell me about your “Waterloo”.