What's going on with KnitPicks?

It seems like every time I go to their site to check out laceweight yarns, their selection gets smaller and smaller. I’m wondering if they won’t phase out their laceweight yarns all together. I’m disappointed, because they had the best prices. Does anybody know what’s going on with them? I’m hoping they are making room for some new colors, but I have a bad feeling that this is a permanent phasing out. :verysad:

Does anybody else have equally good prices with comparable yardage?

They’re discontinuing some colors, but not whole lines. That probably means they’ll have new colors and/or yarns in the spring.

On the plus side…I ordered two separate orders from KP this month, and they both were delivered in less than a week. And one was free shipping!

:woot: It made me soooo happy.

I listen to the knitpicks podcast especially when I’m knitting, and she’s done a few shows about their yarnlines and how they create them, the people involved, the processes, etc. It sounds like she’s really excited about being able to create her own lines, blends, colorways, etc, and I am nearly positive she said that in addition to seasonal color batches, they’re also constantly creating actual fiber blends and whatnot. I’d say email customer service and say you’re a huge fan of their laceweights and you hope to see some wonderful new spring colors in your favorite lace yarns. Or better yet, call them up and say so to a live person. They’re real friendly over there.

Or better yet, call them up and say so to a live person. They’re real friendly over there.

That is so true! I called with a problem with a pattern and they were so nice to help with it. And they get things to you very quickly!

I’m contemplating a very difficult (for me, at least)shawl, if you Google the type and color yarn you want Google will list a lot of places you can get it from. KnitPicks comes up first just about every time for any weight I put in. I haven’t a lot of computer savvy, maybe there is a cookie in my 'puter that tells Google to go there first?)

When I use google to search it usually turns up the very thing I was looking for, so it must think you need knitpicks yarn!
