Whatcha' Knitting October, 2021

Sweater season coming up in the north. Do you increase your knitting or crochet time with the cooler weather or is summer the time to knit and crochet in preparation for winter?

Enjoy the coming season!
hats HH


Definitely knit more in the fall/winter months. Less chores to do outside as the weather cools here in north central Indiana. Knitted some small projects in the summer, a couple scarves, hat and working on a bag, pattern from purl soho. Now looking forward to starting a big project like a sweater. So many patterns and yarn to choose from!!!


Patterns and yarn galore! You have to love it. I hope we get to see photos of your projects. Enjoy the large project, whatever you choose.

I finished alterations to an earlier top, shortened it and added cap sleeves (6 sleeves for 1 top, eventually got the size and shape I was happy with).

I’ve spent the last week getting lost in the maze of pattern hunting
Perhaps this

But I’d like the neck shape more like this

It’s a top down knit which I’ve never done before. I thought I might do a provisional cast on with the number of stitches needed to go directly into the patterned cable part of the yoke. I think that might give the neck line I’d prefer and if it came out too low or loose I could go back to the cast on edge and add some extra rows with decreases.
Also thinking of using 2 colours, the patterned yoke and cables down the inside sleeve in one colour and the main knit in another… so many things I’ve never done though. I would need to learn how to change colour for the sleeve cable. Not even sure it would look nice.

…I keep pondering, browsing, changing my mind

Finished a waistcoat for my mum. It’s her birthday on Friday.


Happy Birthday, Mum! I’m sure she’ll enjoy the lovely vest. Beautiful stitch pattern and lovely work.

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What a lovely gift :gift:

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I am definitely a colder weather knitter. Just started the “Stornoway Throw” by Anita Grahn. The challenge for me will be the edging which is done after the body of the throw is completed. Something new for me to try. Stornoway Throw

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Wow, the cable edging on that pattern is magnificent!
I would love to have something so beautiful in my home! Perhaps I need to take on a blanket, I have avoided blankets and throws as I worry about the weight of the project for me to lift. I’m looking forward to seeing your finished throw.

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The cable edging is what drew me to this pattern although I am terrified of getting there. I know the body will knit quickly and I truly hope I am up to the task of the edging. Fingers crossed. :blush:


If you can work you way successfully through the teddy bear cardi you can knit anything! Looking forward to seeing this lovely blanket.


Ha! Hopefully it won’t take me as long!
Thanks for the encouragement.

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Mittens and matching hat in school
colors for my granddaughter. I finally learned how to use double pointed needles and am having a blast! Mittens have peasant thumbs.


I’ve been busy. As I lost my husband at the end of February I’ve started knitting for charity to keep me busy in the evenings after work. I found out there’s an annual Hats for the Homeless campaign. Well here’s mine so far. I’m going to do another two and then post them off. It’s been a good way of getting rid of spare balls. I always buy too much!


@Fatoldladyinpjs1, the mittens are great looking. They’re sure to be a hit. I’m glad you like dpns. It’s a favorite technique of mine too.

Jo, I’m so sorry to hear about your husband. My condolences.
You are so kind to make all those beautiful hats for the homeless. They are very nicely done, each one different.


Definitely turning to cosy knitting now it’s Autumn, knitting up baby cardigans for the grandchildren

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So off we go again … 1 unicorn✅ 1 baby headband (my own mishmash of about 4 patterns) 1 hat, (my own design). Orders galore for ear warmers. Going to give them a try on my bond knitting machine.


Keep them coming! Both designs, and headband and hat are beautiful. No wonder there is so much demand. Lovely work.

I am knitting a bed jacket as a gift. It’s got very patterned long sleeves and my mum in law prefers elbow length. To alter the pattern I ve knitted a sort of sleeve but it seems huge. I’d rather put a st st capped sleeve in, extend the length to elbow length and then trim it with 1 pattern block and the fancy cast on rows. How do I measure for the sleeve? It’s a straight edge sleeve with a 7 st armhole on the back so expect similar to the front. Any ideas