Whatcha' Knitting? November, 2022

North of the equator where I am, the days are getting shorter and cooler. You lucky folk to the south are heading into the long days of summer. Well, at least we get to pull out all our knit sweaters, scarves, hats and mittens!
What are your knitting or crochet plans for the coming season? What’s on your needles now whether just at the cast on or about to be cast off? or even right there in between?



G’day from Australia! I’m currently knitting woollen beanies for a family in England who lost their house to a fire; I sent some a few months ago but they will need more. One of the things I appreciate about wool is that it keeps you warm even when it is wet so it is great for winter. I’m also knitting a summer top for myself in a wool and cotton mix and I’m planning out mosaic dishcloths which will double as Christmas decorations. I won’t mention my WIPs bucket.


I started the Aileas Cardigan at the end of last month for my daughter down under. Weird construction technique but good, clear instructions, so…liking this so far. I’m using Cascade 220 worsted (“sparrow heather”). I had to remember the two small shoulder starts so, being as it’s November I chose red for Right and blue for Left. :joy:


I’m finishing off a glow in the dark unicorn for someone who wanted a couple for her daughters as Christmas gifts, and picking yarns to keep for other unicorns from my stash. I’m moving and need to downsize my hoard!


Hi Everyone,

I’m currently knitting the Worsted Anklet Socks from Kraemer Yarns in preparation for making two sweaters later this month. The Antler Cardigan for my little cousin and The Montrealer for myself. Just one difficulty. I’ve spent so much time away from knitting, I’ve forgotten the basics and have to keep casting on. :rofl:

Hence the socks.

I hope everyone is having a fantastic day. :slight_smile:


A colour work swatch.
The colour chart is from Drops

But I do not want to make the sweater as the given pattern. Too big and long for me, and too many stripes.
I’ve been lost in the worm hole of patterns trying to work out what pattern I could use as the basic pattern but with this colour work added.
Was thinking I might choose a top down sweater just because I’ve never done one, then again bottom up could make it easier for me to deal with mixing a colour chart with a different pattern.

The yarn is gorgeous. Sublime baby cashmere Merino Silk I found on sale. I love it.


Nice swatch. I love the white on gray.

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Thank you.
It’s hard to tell on the photo but it’s 2 different greys, the lighter one is a soft silvery pale grey called skipper, and the darker grey is called tittlemouse.

I can see it now you’ve said; it’s very pretty, really makes the pattern pop!

Where I am it’s gonna snow in a week :sob: I’m making a baby blanket for a teacher who’s gonna have a baby in February!

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Taught myself how to cable knit so found a simple cable scarf pattern. It’s really easier than I thought!

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Very pretty, like the color changes. I did my first cables with a scarf pattern also. Then jumped into an old Vogue sweater pattern I had that was knitted with cables all over it! You’re right, they aren’t that difficult

Working on “A Study in Pink” by Melanie Berg


Lovely sample. I would not look twice at the one in the red/yellow. But your colors really display the beauty of the pattern. Nicely done.

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The chart is really effective and I like that the colourwork pattern is is all over too, but like you I am not enamoured with the yellow and red, and the pattern plus stripes plus length it’s all a bit too much! My swatch is also upside down, I was going to work the chart that way to avoid the heart like shape.
After much pondering though i think I am using a different chart and pattern. This pattern has too many new things in one go for me (changing size dramatically, steeking armholes). Even so, I’m pleased i tried it out. I may use this chart with a different sweater pattern which is still a big challenge for me!

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I finally finished the jumper for my granddaughter. I am very pleased with results. Thanks for all the help I have received to get to this place!


Simply adorable.

Super cute!

I like! You’re braver than me, I don’t do stranded colorwork flat, always in the round. I’m gonna steal the chart for future use in some project.