Spring and it couldn’t be more welcome!
Let us see what you’ve finished, what you have on the needles and what you’re imagining next. It’s inspiration for all of us, knitters and crocheters too.
Whatcha' Knitting? May, 2021
Some of these were towards the end of April and the last two in May.
My first dish cloths or cleaning cloths.
Also my first cable (9 stitch plait), first spiral columns, first yarn over cable, first waffle, first garter rib…
A lot of firsts!
I don’t like knitting with the cotton I have. It says it’s good for dishcloths and crochet. It gives me hand ache pretty quickly which I didn’t get at all from acrylic yarn.
Are all cotton yarns similar in this way, harder to work with and more chance of soreness?
I find it depends on the weight, but generally cotton feels harder on my hands as well than other yarns like wool. Cotton doesn’t have much elasticity which might be why.
Your work is still beautiful and I like the piece in the left middle the best.
Very nicely done and so many firsts! Dishcloths are a wonderful way of exploring new patterns and testing out techniques. What next?
Yes I think this is why. It’s RSI type soreness and I think its from trying to keep tension even and gripping everything more firmly whereas with the dk acrylic it was like I was doing nothing.
Ah, thanks. That one i made a big mistake on, the first pattern repeat (here it’s on the right side) i did all wrong and got some messed up stitches but no yarn over cable pattern. Then I realised what to do and rather than undo it all decided to just put a couple of garter rows and try again. It’s only a cloth after all. At the other end I did a couple more garter and matching block of wide rib to sort of match.
Ha ha yes! When you’ve knitted as little as I have there are a whole lot of firsts!