A very happy 2025 to all!
New year, new plans and new goals. Are there new techniques that you would like to learn this year? What are you working on and what new projects are you hoping to start?
Best wishes for a wonderful new year filled with all good things.
Whatcha' Knitting, January 2025
Best wishes to you too, salmonmac!
And a happy 2025 to everyone here.
I needed something small and simple to pick up and put down over the festive break (and not to be dragging out a big sweater and grumbling about redesigning the neckband I’ve done a dozen times - so that’s the thing i need to finish when little Mister is back at school). The need to decide and get started quickly helped me a tonne. I have had yarn hanging around for a year not knowing what I bought it for or what to make, so did a quick stockinette swatch then began a cable pattern. This piece began as either a swatch or a sleeve and turned out to be both. I’ve got enough here to work out the body size/stitches I think.
The cable is pretty, I’m glad I tried it out.
I love your choice of a “simple” project that’s easy to pick up and put down! A knitter after my own heart!
I’ve made it to the halfway point on the body of the Resplendence Shawl. This will now be my primary project, so should move a bit more quickly.
Wow, that’s striking!
I finished my granddaughters sleep socks right before Xmas. She loves them. I plan to do another pair sometime soon.
It appears more complicated than it really is. Compared to the several charts, each several sheets of A4 all taped together, that I had to make for the last project this is a breeze. Just one little chart about A5 print out, one little ball of fingering yarn, 4 markers and one removable stitch holder is all I needed, it just seemed so neat, easy to get out and put away. Of course the pressure is off if I say I’m just doing a swatch, which helps. I stopped half way up to recalculate the increases as they needed to be more frequent for the upper arm.
I kind of don’t want to return to my previous main project, that neckband, ugh! Except I do quite like the rest of he sweater and would like to wear it and not just have it incomplete in my knitting drawer.
It will take a few deep breaths before I lift it out again!
I knitted Bill the pony from Lord of the Rings for a game group buddy (finished before the end of December but had debated trying to make the pack saddle etc and couldn’t work out how I could). No photos, but onto my next project - a mimic of an old My Little Pony called Shady (hot pink body with luminous yellow hair and blue sparkly eyes. I also have some sparkly felt sheets to make her cutie mark with).
Happy New Year to everyone!
I worked on PetiteKnit Breeze Bag over the holidays and would have been finished by now if I had used life lines.
My next project is the Turtle Neck V Neck sweater. It’s all set and ready to go.
This is beautiful. I like cables that don’t add too much excess bulk and these cables are really nice.
Yes, I suppose they are more travelling stitches rather than chunky cables. The body of this sweater has these and some more travelling stitches and more cabley cables. I don’t want too much bulk for this one (it’s going to be fitted-ish), I might eliminate the cabley cable depending how bulky it is when I work it.
The bag you’re making looks lovely, yours looks much nicer than the pattern picture, maybe because it’s more 3 dimensional. The stitch pattern is great. The angle of your needles on that circumference makes me anxious just looking at it though. I can’t work with a small angle between my needles at all.
I am still working on the yoke sweater that I started in a workshop back in November. I had to set it aside to finish Christmas projects but am back on task.
I spent many hours going through books, 200 Fair Isle Motifs by Mary Jane Mucklestone,
Doodle Knit Directory by Jamie Lomax and Knitovations by Andrea Rangel, trying to decide on a design for the color work. Way too many choices . I finally made some choices, made up some charts in Stitch Fiddle, and got started.
Can’t wait to see it progress with the colour work. I like the colour combination you’ve chosen.
I’m actually doing 3 colors and first did a swatch to audition the colors I had pulled. All 3 are Cascade 220 Superwash. Wool tends to make me itch but I seem to tolerate this one.
The red is 1922 Christmas Red, the white is actually a light grey 359 Aspen Heather and the purple is 362 Iridescence.
This is the chart for the first section. FYI- there is an error in row 12 but I have noted it on my working chart.
I hoped to have this first 27 row section done in the next 5-7 days. I have 16 rows to go.
It’s going to be striking. These colorwork charts are so addictive. I keep telling myself I’ll stop after one more row but it’s never enough.
Very nice! For quick & easy, I do not pick up cable work!
Great work! I spend more time looking for ideas than knitting many days!
Happy New Year! I wanted to post on New Year’s Day, but didn’t do it. Finished these on NYD. I’ve used this yarn before (Kroy Sock Slate Jacquard). I must have bought some more on clearance! Now I’ve learned to adjust for my high instep so it’s not tight on my heel when putting on. I forgot the contrast Fleegle heel comes up over my shoe heel. I’ll try to remember not to do that again or maybe figure out when to switch back to main color. I do like to keep the stripes consistent. I should have weighed the balls I wound a long time ago. I ran out at the top of the 2nd sock and finished it with black.
Then I started these. Making socks simple so I can get through them quickly. Who sees the pretty stuff anyhow! This is Cascade Yarn Heritage #5605. It’s very soft. Going to my daughters’ today to watch her four girls play basketball tomorrow. Two-hour drive each way. I don’t get much done at her house, but it is dark, so I’ll probably start another duplicate pair (Kroy Brown Rose Marl).
I have a lot of sock yarn stash. A lot I don’t really like, so I’m thinking of options. I do want some just for home as my store-bought socks are too tight on my calves.
![IMG_3043|1200x988]!I have another pair to finish (2nd sock). It’s Hawthorne Fingering Macadam from KnitPicks. It crocks horrible, so It’s a home only project. I made something small from it and it washed out easily.
I wish my local big box stores had more sock yarn options. They used to have a lot.
Yes, well, I’d never be able to make socks, sock skill always amazes me.
A friend got me hooked! They aren’t really so difficult. Seems like a small project but a pair takes me about 40 hours. Easily transported.
I have done cables on socks and scarves but they seem like a big interruption!