The new year caught up with me faster than I was ready for. New year, new projects. Alternatively, time to finish up the UFOs (UnFinished Objects) from last year. I’ve pulled out a stuffed tiger from 2023 that has been hybernating in my yarn bag (way deep down in the bag).
What’s on your needle or hooks? What knitting or crochet plans are you mulling for 2024?
Whatcha' Knitting January, 2024?
Happy New Year all my knitty friends.
I have to put aside my intarsia project until I have more yarn so moving on to swatching for a sweater. No pattern yet, several stranded colour charts I’m trying and I may do a sweater in pieces or patches with exposed seams, maybe, possibly, perhaps… mulling and swatching.
Black and grey in one, black and green in the other. I have a bunch of colours I bought to experiment with. I need the yarn in front of me to know what to do with it.
@salmonmac Those must be tiger paws from your resurrected UFO. So cute! We don’t get to see enough of your work. You’re far too modest about sharing.
@Creations You never cease to amaze me with amazing knitting. Once again, stunning work.
Having finished my test knit mitten I moved on to something simpler before I start the second. I have some left over yarn I’m using to knit two tubes to warm my wrists. I’ll guesstimate when to start ribbing other end (soon) and knit till I run out of yarn. Yarn chicken might happen.
I got a look at the pencil and paper sketch of Luisa’s next pattern. I thought the bear mitten was wonderful. The next one left me with my mouth open and staring at the picture. I get to knit it! I’m blessed.
This finished drying on New Year’s day. I found out I can do this kind of knitting.

I love associating with truly creative people who do things I can’t begin to imagine. You all keep me inspired.
Gorgeous knitting both of you. GG you sure can do this kind of knitting and how!
Beautiful mitten!!!
Of course you can do this kind of knitting! It’s amazingly lovely, perfectly made. I can’t wait to see the next design.
I’d love to make these mittens because the design is beautiful, I just cannot bring myself to knit something that won’t get use (having discovered the earlier things I’ve made for myself are never ever worn, too pretty for me, I have to learn to make to wear).
Any of this type of goings on over the Xmas period has to be described as Yarn Turkey, so my son informs me. (UK Xmas, Turkey is the traditional food).
Yarn turkey. Love it! I think I love your son too. Does he need a virtual gramma?
@salmonmac and @Creations You’re both too kind. I thought I’d never get the tension thing figured out and the thumb was scary but I got good instructions, simple and to the point.
My issue with any stranded knitting has been tension. I think I finally figured out what works for me using two strands. I won’t point out all the duplicate stitch corrections I had to do and there are probably more mistakes if I looked close enough and I won’t. Here’s the photo I shared with friends online indicating the project status. You might get it.
I may never wear these. It doesn’t get cold enough here very often and then I mostly stay inside. I have to converse with Luisa about using her charting artwork for things other than mittens. If knitting mittens is required I guess I’ll just have to make at least one. The chart she has in the works should not be limited to mittens IMO. Nor should this one.
Happy new year to those celebrating it. I wasn’t really ready so am thinking of doing Lunar New Year instead (in February) – comes with moon cakes!
I’m still working on the heart and stripe socks I mentioned last time. Should be able to finish them this week.
After that, I’m going to do some simple ribbed legwarmers. Something like these, but a little longer:
It’s done and done well.
After a challenging project something nice and easy makes a good change. I’m in something simpler mode.
Whatever works. Right? OK, full disclosure the fork was a prop and nothing more. I’ve been exposed.
Happy new year! I’m knitting a cardigan for my grandson, photo to follow. Just ordered a pattern, King Cole 3233 and some yarn online for my mum’s birthday. That should keep me occupied for a while Here’s a photo of my previous project that you helped me with. It was my first attempt at cable.
Really well done! Love the cable work and details.
Your knitting is beautiful and your cables look like you’ve done them before. Well done! The cardi is so cute.
Outstanding! What a fabulous cardigan and the cables are wonderful, you make it look easy. I love the buttons too.
Thank you, I appreciate all the help you and the team provide when I’m struggling
Thank you, I quite enjoyed the cable work after all the worrying!
Thank you, I am pleased with it, I think I might attempt another one, one day
These are very cool. Can I ask which pattern is the bottom one please? I know you are doing stranded, but I’d be curious to see what it would look like in mosaic.
Hi, I found various charts after falling down the rabbit hole of free Internet knitting charts… I came out several days later with a handful of charts but no actual pattern link. Sent you a message.
I did make a mistake in that one as I didn’t really mark up my chart or stitch markers correctly and got lost on one row. The pattern itself was correct. On another free Internet chart I discovered after several rows the chart was wrong, it could have been very frustrating if I’d knitted a whole project following it - it’s a gamble using random free stuff that’s out there but I like the patterns.