Whatcha' Knitting, January 2022

A very happy, healthy new year to all! May there be lots of enjoyable knitting and crocheting in your future.
Let us share in your future knit and crochet plans and also your projects, finished or in process. It’s inspiring for us to see the photos.
I like to party


Happy new year! Taking a break from a project to whip up a pair of slippers for a friend. Hope you have a wonderful new year


Lucky friend! Happy New Year to you, too!

Love this! Which I’d had this picture for New Year’s Eve! A friend called yesterday. She asked if I was still knitting a lot. I said, “I’m knitting right now!” She said, “Of course you are!”

I’m working on my third scarf of the past week or so. Trying to match some cardigans. I just dropped down and fixed a mistake here and I’m so thrilled that I didn’t have to frog a few rows! Tell me if you still see a problem!


Jhartley54 Beautiful slippers which are sure to be a hit.

Beth_Leatherman Three scarves, what a week! Love the yarn and pattern. Is this your own pattern or can you tell us the name of the pattern? It works so well in the soft color-change yarn.

5 loopy cardigans all in pink, and fiddle mitts to use up donated wool. If time allows a fake Christmas tree or two. Starting early. And, the dreaded bed jacket. All photos to follow.

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First order of the year completed


So adorable! I can just imagine how sweet these are going to look on little feet. Beautiful yarn choice.

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After what seems forever (though I did other projects while working on this) it’s finally done. I am very satisfied with the result of my first sweater


Turned out beautifully, buttonbands and all! This is going to look wonderful on some lucky recipient.
Congrats on your first sweater. May it be the first of many.

Thanks . It’s for my granddaughter. She is so excited. Like I told her, every stitch done with love!!


here in the UK, there was an Amazon advert running over the Xmas period, the girl in it was wearing a jumper which I liked very much, so I looked for wool in similar colours and found a stitch pattern that gave me a similar look and ended up with this jumper :grinning: I’ve also finished the first (of 3) of square 4 for the blanket kal I’m doing, the other 2 will not have the date - just the diamond pattern.
Happy New Year and Happy Knitting to everyone.


Happy 2022 to you as well!
That sweater is a treat to see. Beautiful combination of colors and stitch pattern.

I hope we get to see the finished blanket too. That square is the perfect preview to what promises to be a lovely blanket.

Fabulous first sweater your granddaughter will be thrilled. I love the cute buttons too.

I love this blanket square with the year on. Is this for a 2022 born baby? I think this is just a brilliant idea and makes a beautiful snuggly keepsake. Is it for a “lovey” (Comfort blanket)?

Nothing from me yet. I’m weaving in ends, seaming shoulders and sleeves and then have a neck band to knit and buttons to sew on. I’ve never been good at sewing and I’m dreading sewing buttons onto my cardigan… this is why I have been avoiding cardigans - button sewing anxiety!

Happy 2022 to everyone.

Holly Jolly hats
I knit two of these hats before Christmas and now three more for friends. The pattern comes with two designs, one with reindeer and one with steaming cups of cocoa.
It’s the

knit with Berroco Vintage.


I love the mug one, what a lovely design. I will most definitely be using this pattern lol Thank you for sharing it.

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I imagine it could be used for a baby blanket, it’s a year long KAL that started last September, one square a month.
I’m making a kingsize bedspread with my squares, hence the need to triple every square and then some!! I will look for the link if you like.
For cardigan buttons I use those little locking stitch markers to mark the button placements and I always use the same yarn as the cardi ( but you can just use cotton thread) I stitch through from the back to front leaving a length of yarn loose( no knot ) I pass through the buttonholes a couple of times and then I use the loose tail and the needle tail to knot securely behind and snip off the excess. Never had a button come loose even after multiple washing and drying :grinning:


Great tips thanks

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