Whatcha' Knitting, February 2022

Welcome to February! All those wooly scarves, mittens and sweaters may be getting their chance to shine right about now. Hope they are keeping you and your friends and family cozy. If you’re in the southern hemisphere, it’s not to late to take up knitting for the cold weather. Let us know what’s on your needles or what knitting or crochet plans you have.

Happy Valentine’s Day to you all.

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First order of the month. Another boy grrrr


And he will be well-dressed to the tips of his toes. Love the buttons!

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So beautifully made!

Finished last night for my husband. Sorry for the rubbish photo, but the daylight disappeared too quickly. Will hopefully get some better shots when(if) the weather ever permits!!


Ooh lovely cables.

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Very pretty sweater. Here’s my first pair of socks. Already have started my next pair in spring colors


Superb! Those are just perfect cables. It won’t be too long until we have more daylight hours to enjoy.

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KnittinGigi, excellent socks. What yarn did you use? It’s a lovely striped pattern.

Thanks. I used patons kroy sock yarn: sidewalk chalk stripes.


Lovely socks, :heart_eyes: They look so comfy.
I have this month’s and last month’s afghan squares to catch up with and then I really fancy doing a pair of socks :grinning:

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Thank you, he loves it so I’m happy :blush:
I cannot wait for some good light to work with - that pullover nearly blinded me!! Dark green is as bad as black lol

makes a note of that - not that I’m thinking of buying any more yarn you understand :joy:

Ooh I love the socks!

I’m doing my first ever colourwork (beginner knitter) – the Icicle Sweater. I’m making it with long sleeves instead of short and so now I’ve taken the appropriate fifteen years to complete the first sleeve (that’s what it felt like, anyway, haha); will cast on for the second sleeve today. Got a picture from a short while ago showing the front & back safety-pinned together (don’t mind the spots, my bathroom mirror of course wasn’t flawless… I have mirrored the picture to be the right way around again, though). Really happy so far!


It’s Gorgeous :heart_eyes:

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Fabulous top. You’ve knitted so neatly.
Is the back Co,oired differently, it looks like it’s black at the top?

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Yay, thanks! Yes, the back is all in the main colour, as per the pattern. I guess it will look less jarring once the sleeves are attached. :grin:

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I’m half way up both sleeves of the sweat pea cardigan

But making it in king cole limited edition which is a recycled yarn.
Didn’t like the yarn to begin with, very acrylicy (That’s a word, honest), but as it’s made from recycled plastic bottles I should expect it be be acrylicy. I’ve got used to the yarn now though. I think this pattern would be better with yarn that had more definition in the stitch so the cables showed up better as they disappear somewhat with this yarn, more of a subtle look.

Hoping I’ll be finished this month.


@Nanny189 what yarn do you use? Your projects always look lovely.

That’s such a cute pattern! And added bonus for it being sustainable via the recycled yarn!

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