Whatcha' Knitting August, 2023

Is it sweater weather yet? Not here in the US mid-Atlantic but this is the time to work on those sweaters, scarves, mittens and hats. If you’re deep into winter, then enjoy wearing all those lovely items.
Let us know what you have on your needles or hooks. We love to see your projects and be inspired by them.



Fresh off the hook. Important life lesson: Never discard a removable bag strap, it might come in handy. :wink: Now I can take my big water cup on walks more easily. LIfe’s good. I didn’t use a pattern so can’t share a link.



Really lovely bag!

Thanks. Truly utilitarian but that’s what I need.

Nice cup holder

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Still working on my Leaving cardigan. Got one button band on, decided I REALLY didn’t like how low the neck is, and wasn’t very happy with my shoulder seaming, so I cut the seams off (!!!), ripped them back 1" on the back and 2 1/2" on the front. Re-did them with German short rows and used a 3-needle bind-off on the shoulder. MUCH happier! Have now finished 2nd button band (with 3-row buttonholes) and am picking up for the neck ribbing. I can see the light at the end of this 18-month tunnel!


Very neat and very pretty! It’s so satisfying to neatly work seams and bands on a sweater.

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Thank you.

Beautiful work. Your shoulder looks great.

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Thanks! I’m very happy with it!

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This is a great cup/bottle bag. My son has had shop bought bottle bags since he was around 3 years old, they are super convenient and the envy of all - but now I see your crocheted bag I realise that he would love a colourful handmade version which I had never thought of. Thanks for the idea!

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Love the cup holder @GrumpyGramma

I’ve done 8 repeats of the test knit, 2 more to go. Each row is taking forever because there’s so many stitches on the needle now. The aster rows are the most time consuming.

We picked up our Irish Setter pup on Friday. She is lovely, it took 9 years after we lost our last and I was finally ready for another. She’s getting on fantastically well with our mini dachshund. They love playing together. Thought it would take longer but they took to each other straight away.

My husband and kids are great and when I’m on an aster row they just take over all dog duties so I can crack on. I should finish well in time for the deadline.


Oh, best photo. She is so sweet.

Thank you.

It’s easy. Knit or crochet a circle for the disk bottom then work in the round to make the sides. I think I did some increases near the top to make it work with this particular cup. If you want to practice your crochet on something this might be a good project. I used this to make the loops to attach the snaps on my strap because it doesn’t stretch much. Guesstimating the tail needed is still a hit and miss for me.


On my needles is a pair of of socks using Knit Pickks Stroll in the color white on size 1 needle. Our mini male black and tan long hair dachshund has taken Sugarfoot’s favorite toy now that she is gone. He expects us to throw it for him and he will bring it back to repeat.


Beautiful puppy! So lovely to have two dogs - I have two Havanese, Cuba and Arlo (it’s Cuba in the thumbnail photo with me); they too took to each other instantly - Cuba is 10 and Arlo is now one and a half. And I can still find time to knit. I’ve only once (soon after Arlo arrived) had to de-festoon the whole room of yards and yards and yards of tangled yarn!! Fortunately he hadn’t managed to drag my actual knitting off the table, just the yarn itself. What a mess. I unravelled it all and carried on….duh!

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I thought people might wanna see the progress on the violin… 19 more rows to go.


Wow! That’s beautiful.

Definitely happy to see your progress. I can hear the Tchaikovsky violin concerto playing already.

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The amount of untwisting I have had to do at the end of every row… hahaha