Whatcha' Knitting? August, 2022

Yup, August already. What are your knitting or crochet plans for the coming months? Up for trying something new or finishing off a wip (work in progress)? Whatever you’re working on now or planning, we’d love to hear about it.


Wow, August already?
The sweater I’m making for my son came off the needles this morning. Not ready for a photo yet as I still have the seaming to do. I’m so pleased with it though and can’t believe how easy it was this time around (second time for this pattern) and how quickly it has come together. I must have really improved since I started knitting!
Thanks to this site for teaching me so much!

Looking forward to seeing what everyone else is working on this month too.

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Nothing yet, but I love the yarn in front of the picture!

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Working on Portage edging. I still have to do the pockets and sleeves. Yarn is Laneras Felicidad.



So elegant!

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Learning to carry yarn in both hands by making this pillow cover. Wanting to make both a fair isle and a mosaic pillow as well. Here is my effort in learning about fair isle and their floats.


Gorgeous color and so beautifully knitted. Well done. :yarn::yarn:

Wow I’m impressed. I have yet to venture into knitting with color changes. And the wrong side looks as nice as the right side!!


Thanks. Felt pretty clumsy at first because carrying yarn in my left and right hand was really foreign, but learning the “throw one, pick one” theory of knitting. Kinda cool.

Great technique to learn and such a lovely result!

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Beautiful version of one of my favorites, the Portage sweater.

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Beautiful inside and out!

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Thank you😊

It looks scrunched up in the photos but it’s taking shape.

Thank you.


My son has named it the Joy Jumper.
Stylecraft 9762 with a few modifications made with king cole cottonsoft dk.

I’m so happy with it, partly because it was such fun to knit in the happy colours and knitting stripes makes the stocking stitch more interesting to knit, but mostly because my son loves it so much.

Can’t believe how quickly I made this one.


Beautifully knit. It is indeed the Joy Jumper!

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Absolutely stunning. Love the colors

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Beautiful, the vertical stripe details on the hem and cuffs is very interesting!

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Thank you.
The hem and cuffs are just a slip stitch rib (k1, p2 on the the RS. K2, slip 1 on the WS) and when I switched colours and changed to the main stocking stitch body I continued the slip stitch for 3 rows in the hem colour. It meant adding in the hem colour 2 more times on the RS, so an extra 16 ends to weave in but worth it I think.

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