WOOOHOOO JDee glad to know there’s another proud K car owner !! Of course, while mine was also a 82 Plymouth Reliant - I got in 1996 !!!
After that I got a brand new Nissan Sentra - LOVED IT - and then it was totalled in an accident (not my fault) and I made the transition to Ford trucks. I am on my second F150 and expect that when the hubby and I have children I will get a 4Runner - don’t see driving a minivan.
Love the stories - keep 'em coming
What was your first car?
when at home I drove an old duster that was a pretty blue…only thing is the wipers would fly off when you turned them on… that was not fun…it didn’t go very fast either and I’m not talking speed crazy…I’m talking 55…:teehee: (it wasn’t mine)…then mom gave me her escort when I was 20…
Ahhhhh! Memories . . . . . . . my first car was a 1977 Ford Pinto hatchback with “racing” stripes (Yeah, like you could actually race the thing) and these cool (well, for the 70s) white & blue bucket seats. I believe Ralph Nader called the Pinto “an incinerator on wheels” for its unfortunate habit of bursting into a huge fireball if hit from behind. I didn’t care-Gosh I loved that car!
I got my first car in '94 (I was 17). It was a hand me down '81 Ford Mustang which I referred to as POS car. It would die for no apparent reason.
When I was 18, I actually bought a car. It was a '91 Chevy Caprice. It was an enormous boat and my husband hated it, but I really liked it.
Well, at the moment, my first car is currently still my car. It’s a blue 2002 Chevy Cavalier. I got it when I was about 16 1/2, about three years ago.
I love it soo much, even the manual roll down windows and manual individual door locks.
My first car was a light gray, 2-door, 1988 Oldsmobile Firenza that was passed on by my grandmother. I went to private school, so I would never drive it to school b/c I didn’t think it was good enough, but looking back it was a good car until I drove home from school one day and made it back to my town and it shut off in the middle of the road. Some nice men pushed it to the shoulder for me, and when I got it started it would shut off again when I put it in gear. After about 10 minutes, it was fine. I put up with that for a couple years until I finally sold it for scrap for about $200. I helped my parents buy the next car, a 1988 Grand Am. It was fine for a few years and then it had the same problem as the first one where it would shut off and then not go into gear. Maybe it was something with that year. hehe. :teehee:
I just bought my very first car all by myself a few days ago, and I’m 28. It’s a 2007 Mercury Mariner, and I love it. It’s all mine, and it runs, and it doesn’t break down. It’s going to be a big adjustment making all the payments and the insurance plus all my other bills, but I think it’ll be worth it.
I bought my first car when I was… 22 or 23. It was a 1995 Ford Aspire and I bought it off my cousin when she joined the Peace Corp after college. I drove that thing until about a year and a half ago when my DH decided I needed a new car. He could neither fit into (too tall) nor drive (manual) that car. And since his car is in it’s twilight years we needed a dependable car. So I got a brand new PT Cruiser.
My sister on the other hand got a car for her 16th birthday.
I had an 83 Toyota Celica when I was in college in 1992, my boyfriend (now DH) and I bought it together. It was not the most reliable car, once it stalled out on a large hill in town that was also a one way street. I had to get a cop to block traffic while I put it in neutral and when down the hill the wrong way. Luckily, as you turned the corner, down another hill, was the town service station! Things kept falling off that car (muffler, large pieces of trim), but I still loved it.
I had just graduated from AirForce OCS and since I had to drive crosscountry from Texas to Mass, I decided to buy my first car. The Chevy dealer in San Antonio offered fleet prices to the new class of shavetails and I picked out the most beautiful car I have ever owned(IMHO). It was a tourquoise and white 1956 Chevrolet Bel Aire hardtop. To this day I think it was/is the most beautiful car in the world. Thanks for the memories:star: Ellie
My first car was a used 1980 Ford Escort (I got it in 83) that my father bought for me from his friend. I was 18 and had a newborn. I still started college that year and my father was curious as to how I was going to get back and forth to school with a baby. I informed him that I was going to take the bus. Well this was my parents first precious grand child. I made me empth my savings account ($400.00) and he put in the rest for the car. He even paid my car insurance. I had it for four years until someone stole it out of our driveway.
Show your age? HA! My 1st car was a 1949 Packard…you know the one with the huge turtle back. My father had a body shop and it had been sitting for I don’t remember how long. So it was free. I needed a pillow beneath and behind me in order to operate the clutch. When I destroyed the engine by driving it without oil, I inherited a 1950 Mercury from my sister who inherited it from our brother. My 1st car that was paid for was a 1952 Ford. It cost $35 and had to be hotwired to start it and always had to be parked so another car could get behind me just in case I needed a push to jump start it.
How fun is this thread?
My first car was a '66 MGB which my parents bought for $500. Those cars are notorious for breaking down, so if I wanted to drive it to school, we had to leave early enough so we could still walk if the car didn’t make it. My poor dad was always working on that car. Thanks dad…
Great stories everyone How I miss driving manual transmission…
Mine was a 1968 Mercury Cyclone, handed down from my mom when she got a new car. It was a bright orange-red with a black vinyl interior.
LOL, great thread!
Mine was a POS 1977 Dodge Aspen that my folks bought when I was 18 (1987). Dodges in the mid to late '70s tended to play out fast, but would run that way forever… Dodge had even recalled the '77 Aspens for front end problems, but I don’t think that one ever made it to the shop to be fixed.
In fact, I not-so-lovingly dubbed it ‘the Possum’…after all it was small, white, and more often to be seen dead on the side of the road as opposed to up and running.
I saved up after a whole summer of babysitting big time and for 1000$ purchased a 1982 Reliant. I was 17.
My first car was a Ford Gran Torino.
Yes…the same one that Starsky & Hutch drove. :teehee:
Except, that mine was not red with a white stripe. Mine was white, with a beige vinyl roof. Very 70’s.
My parents gave it to me, because it used to be my Mom’s car.
All the guys at school used to BEG to drive it.
I bought my first car when I was 17 for $900. It was a beige, 1967 Volkswagen Beetle.
Our daughter’s both paid for half of their first cars…both were Honda Civics. They were about 17-18.
What a fun thread! My first car was a 6 year old 1989 Dodge Caravan. When I turned 16 my Mom bought herself a new car and I got the van. I became the chauffeur for my brothers and all of our friends.
By the time I was 17 I had saved enough money to buy my own car. I totally lucked out that my brother was dating a girl whose Dad owned a used car lot. He took my mom and I to a car auction and I bought my 1993 Toyota Celica. I paid $1500 for it. I loved that car! It was everything the van wasn’t. My brother got the van.
I’m not so sure anyone will even remember what these cars looked like. My first car was a black 1954 Studebaker. I got it from my Father-in-law. That pore car went through a lot. I learned to drive in it. It’s a good thing those cars were made of heavy metal back then.