What stitch is this one?

Please could somebody tell e what stitch is this? I’m thinking seed stitch but not sure. If so, if I have a pattern with stockinette stitch can I replace it with seed stitch without altering the size?
Thank you in advance!!

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It looks like double moss stitch to me ( but with my eyes…)
As for replacing a stocking stitch item with moss, it should be fine but - if in doubt always swatch :wink:
Good luck with your project.


Should have added moss & seed stitch are the same, just depends which side of the pond your from lol


Here are some instructions:

This stitch should be the same gauge as stocking stitch, but when switching between knits and purls things can get a bit loosy-goosy and you might need to watch how you are moving the yarn.

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Thank you❤️