This is my first knit. Its full of mistakes. Its great. Im making a scarf. I thought i was doing a knit stitch… just experimented with 2 rows of purl stitches which look exactly the same as the rest.
What stitch am i doing ?
This is my first knit. Its full of mistakes. Its great. Im making a scarf. I thought i was doing a knit stitch… just experimented with 2 rows of purl stitches which look exactly the same as the rest.
What stitch am i doing ?
Looks like garter stitch to me, which looks about the same whether you knit or purl all rows. Were you expecting to get a smooth fabric? Garter stitch is good for scarves because it doesn’t want to curl up at the edges.
Your knitting looks great, nice even tension!
When you make a knit stitch on one side of the fabric this shows as a purl on the other side - the back of a knit is a purl. When you make a purl on one side this shows as a knit on the other side.
If you alternate knit row, purl row, knit row, purl row, you will produce what looks like all knits in one side, the V shaped stitches, but it’s produced with knits on the right side and purls on the wrong side. Purls look like a - line across or a bump. This is called stockinette.
If you knit every row then both sides look the same with alternating rows of knits and purls (because knitting on the wrong side produces purls on the right side). They interlock into these ridges ~~~ and it’s called garter stitch (very good choice for a scarf as both sides look the same and the fabric will lay flat and have a bit of a squishy feel to it).
Making 2 rows of purls is the same as making 2 rows of knits, it produces the same ridge. The only row of difference will be the one where you changed the pattern, that will have a 2 column V which might be hard to find and might just look like a slightly wider gap between the garter ridges.
It’s really good to experiment with the stitches. See what happens if you knit a row, purl a row, knit a row, purl a row, and then switch back to knitting every row. You I’ll get a stockinette stripe in the scarf.
Now you can knit and purl you can do pretty much anything. All patterns are made with knits and purls, it just depends what order you do them in, sometimes working 2 or 3 together, sometimes making a yarn strand between them, sometimes changing the order they are worked… but it’s pretty much just knits and purls, which means you are well on your way as you’ve mastered both!
Whatever pattern you dive into next we’ll be here to help out.