What next

My step mum taught me to knit in my teens, last year I started again. So far I have only knitted scarves and a cushion cover. What can I move on to next that will be an easy transition? There are only so many scarves you need in the South and all my friends now have one !!!:knitting:

Anything square would basically be what you’ve already been doing. So, I’d say start on a bunch of 4-6 inch squares with different stitches/techniques in them to make a blanket out of. Or you could join the Oddball blanket group for your area/interest and contribute to those. Or you could make yourself an entire set of kitchen linens like I’m currently doing for myself. Or you could make a bunch of headbands like I just did for my girls. Then again shawls are easy and almost always appreciated, same thing with small blankets that can be used just about anywhere.

But if you wanted to move on to other skills, maybe a hat? or some fingerless mitts? Or some cozies? What about amigurumi?

Sorry, when it comes to needlecraft I see too many options. Hopefully that gave you some ideas though.

If you know how to knit and purl and are comfortable learning things you can make most anything. I knit a sweater after only 3 months. The seamless ones are much easier than you’d think! You can start with a baby sweater, too.

Have you knit in the round? If not how about a hat, a can cozy, fingerless mitts.

Here’s some simple patterns for you. Use this time of year to get yourself ready for winter. I am. Everyone can use hats, mittens,and scarves (which you already have). It’s a great time to try out some new techniques, like increasing and decreasing. We have excellent tutorials on this site, and don’t be afraid to ask somebody here if you run into a snag.

For winter items, I prefer to use wool. Wool stays warm even when it gets wet. People really appreciate this when they’re shoveling or playing in the snow.


Thanks Tresha

I do fancy the idea of a shawl or wrap of some sort. Cover me I’m going in!!!

I suggest you try knitting a hat. You can easily knit one using circular needles. They’re very simple to use, trust me, they look more intimidating than they actually are. Plus, hats are very fast to do :happydance:

I began knitting 9=inch square face cloths in Peaches N’Cream cotton as a way to get comfortable with using knit/purl to create textures and get used to following a pattern.

You can google “knit washcloths” and get all kinds of free patterns. My first one was a heart within the square. It helped me learn how to count accurately and “read” my knitting. Later I did a bat pattern in orange (for a Halloween birthday), a butterfly pattern in pink, and a dragonfly in pale green (for a friend who just redid her bath).

Your local craft shop may have a rack of leaflets with patterns for these as well.

The end result is a beautiful soft cloth. Wrap it around a small bar of soap and tie it up with a pretty ribbon for a nice “girlfriend gift.”

Some people use these for dishcloths, but after putting this kind of effort into it, I can’t see throwing it into dirty old dishwater. Instead, make it a lovely bath gift item. Happy knitting.