What length of circular needles for knitting on the round?

Hello again,

I thought it’s time I faced a random fear I have of knitting in the round. I’m going to make a scrap jumper but I’m not sure about what length needles I need? Should the length be the same size, longer or shorter than what I want to knit?

The pattern suggests 10 mm needles 24” + and 15 mm needles 36” +

Thanks again again!

Usually a length shorter than the item you’re knitting. You can place more sts onto the cable without a problem. Here’s a nice summary on circs
and here’s an ariticle with a chart for stitch numbers and needle length that gives a general idea.

Good for you for diving into knitting in the round. It’s a fun way to work and it opens so many patterns to you. What pattern are you thinking of using?


Shorter makes sense now you said it because otherwise there would be a pull. Thanks so much for the resource, I’ll have a look now.

The pattern is this one from Brenda lam


Terific looking sweater and a quick knit. Enjoy working it with the circulars!

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Thank you!

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Let us know how it’s going and please do post a photo when you finish!

Looks like a lot of fun! And I suspect that it will allay your fear of working in the round. If nothing else, not having to purl (or not much) can be a blessing!