With A, cast on 36 sts.
With A, work 12 rows in K1, p1 Rib. Cut A. With B, work 12 rows in rib. Continue working in rib, working 12 rows with A and 12 rows with B until scarf measures about 150 in. [381 cm] from beg. Bind off.
Weave in ends.
With A, cast on 100 sts.
With A, work 12 rows in K1, p1 rib. Cut A. With B work 14 rows in rib. Cut B. With A work 1 row in rib.
Next Row: Continue in rib as established, work 25 sts, (place marker, work 25 sts) 3 times – 4 groups of 25 sts each with markers between groups.
[COLOR=“Magenta”][SIZE=“4”][B]Next Row: Continue in rib as established, dec 1 st at beg of row, dec 1 st before and after each marker, dec 1 st at end of row.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]Rep last row until 12 sts remain. Cut yarn, leaving a long tail. Thread tail through remaining sts, gather tightly and fasten securely. With same tail, sew back seam.
Weave in ends.
[COLOR=“Magenta”][SIZE=“4”][B]Thank you in advance![/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]