Hi, I got a new hat for Christmas and would like to replicate the pattern in a scarf, but I can’t work out what the stitch is that appears to carry in front of the others?
Can anyone help?
What is this stitch??
Hi and welcome to KH. My first thought is it involves slipped stitches but I can’t quite figure out how and my search to find something similar didn’t work. I hope someone can ID the pattern and that is doable in hand knitting. I am presuming the hat is machine knit but maybe not.
First, I see at least three stitch patterns.
Alternating two colors like this can be found in mosaic patterns. The lighter color stitches on the lower half is knit linnen stitch.
The picture light is not strong enought for me to see any stitch detail in the dark yarn.
Here is a video of the linen stitch. https://youtu.be/pm9t-305wu8?si=dElzyC4Lsgh7xmug
I think bottom half is
2 rows c1 1knit, c2 1purl
2 rows c2 1purl, c1 1knit
Than top half is opposite
2rows: c1 purl, c2 knit
2rows c2 knit, c1 purl
I might be wrong