What is this? And does anyone know of a pattern

I was hoping to make this headscarf/kerchief thing for my girlfriend. Does anyone have any idea what it is or where I could find a pattern for it? This screenshot is from Little Women. My girlfriend said she really liked it, and I’d love to attempt one for her.



Do you have any other pictures? I can’t tell if it’s like a scarf over her head or if it’s a scarf hood kind of thing like this.

I’m not sure at the neck part either…almost looks like a loop…:??

It looks like a hat with long scarf-like sides that button with a big button?

I think the Hoodie Scarf that Jan linked to would be rather similar.

yes i agree

If you do find the right pattern, I would say it looks like it’s been done in some sort of finer chenille, such as Lion Brand Suede?

Thanks everyone. Those a great, but I don’t think they’re what I’m looking for. Here’s a link to a video that includes another photo of Dunst with the headscarf on. The picture occurs at 00:45.

I think the concept looks simple enough, I just am not sure how they made the brownish border around the headcovering.

Any additional info would be great.

Could it have been crocheted on, maybe?

It seems like it could almost be something like this, but instead of buttoning in the back, buttoning in the front and adding the trim.


or like this one, but with wider tie’s instead of the i-cord. http://www.knitty.com/ISSUEspring03/PATTcoif.html

Oh yes! I think that the one Jints links too might be closer. The key is the trim though. That would be a different yarn and it looks like the tie would be of the same yarn as the trim. The Lion Brand Suede recommended earlier seems like a good idea.

Thanks everyone–Jints and evona especially–I think those are close enough for me to get started.

I think the trim must have been crocheted on like Pat said. Does anyone have a link for me to learn this technique?

This is clear and easy to follow
The ‘Single Crochet’ is good for edging.
Some good video’s here.

BTW - I’d love to see how it comes out. I hope you take pictures and post them here :slight_smile:

Well as with most of my projects, once I start, it’s difficult to stop. Here’s the almost finished product.

Does anyone have any tips on making the tufty red buttons? As you can kind of see there is one big one on the scarf and then three or four little ones on top. Thanks again for your help thus far!


Wow, That was quick. Great Job.
Crochet button covers here

or a whole page of possible embellishments.
i-cord buttons, crochet or knit buttons, pom poms, tassels, etc.

Wow! That looks great :slight_smile: Good job!!!

Wow, you are fast! It looks good, too.

Way to go! Can you model it so we can see how it looks on?

I’ll be sure to get a picture of her with it on when I give it to her next Saturday. It would look a little odd on myself. : )


Jared - that looks like a perfect match! Anxious to see how yu do the red buttons.

Looking forward to see you GF model it for us all!