What is the purpose of 2 color cast on?

[B]I was on You Tube last night as saw several videos for 2 color cast on. Why would you want to do that? To do 2 color rib? Just wondering[/B]

My first thought is you’d use it if you want stripes or are doing corrugated ribbing.

You also use two colors (usually) when doing a provisional cast on so it’s easy to see which yarn to pull out.

Two color cast on is frequently used in Fair Isle projects. It is also used when making a latvian braid.

It can also be used in double knitting where one color shows on one side, and the other color shows on the other side. Makes a reversible knit time…like hats. (I’m just learning this method and knitting a hat for my dh.)

Debra in NC

Good to know these videos are there if I ever want to do one of these techniques. :slight_smile: