What is the name of the stitch/technique

Dear Community :cherry_blossom::blossom:

Does anyone know what technique/ stitch was used for this dress / skirt?

Thanks alot!

There are members of the forum who are more familiar with crochet than I am but this looks like crochet to me. @OffJumpsJack @GrumpyGramma

Definitely crochet. It looks like double crochet, maybe half double, and chains. It’s hard to tell without a real closeup. I can’t help thinking of the bagging and sagging in back after sitting down.


Image search found the site but isn’t much help viewing from my phone.

Link here to Bernardi site.

DC Filet crochet, top down?

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I think you’ve got it. It looks like every other row is all dc to me. I did a Ravelry search for filet crochet, free patterns. That way a better idea of how to work it might be figured out. It’s something I’d like to know but can’t work on it right now.

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