this is a one button vest for a baby, 0 - 12 months, beginner level.
A grandboy is on the way and I have not knitted for over 30 years. So I have completed the two armholes and am working the left front of the vest, with the back and other side on the needle waiting for me! I was able to dec 1 st at armhole for 2 rows. Then work in established pattern (basically a st st with a 3 stitch garter edge) until it measures 9 1/2 inches from cast on. Now here is where I am confused more.
Place 5 sts at neck edge on st holder. Continuing in st st, dec 1 st at neck edge 3 times.
I am on the perl side. The 5 stitches on the holder (a big safety pin) also have the yarn that I have been using to knit. So what do I do, just make a big loop back to the needle I am working on? Or is this a job for the local yarn shop’s advice?
Thank you much … it is fun.:???: :???: :???: