What do you think about the Harmony case?

I’ve had my Harmony set for about a week now, and I have not removed my needles from the cardboard that they were shipped on. The whole thing fits inside of my plastic case and they are organized and clearly labeled that way.

My 5 cables are in the cable pouch that came with it, as well as the end caps and keys (also inside the small zippys they were shipped in.)

I’m not using (yet) the pockets on the sides because the cardboard w/elastic seems more secure and organized. If I had more needles, or more than one set, I think I would do it differently but this is my current – after one week of ownership – setup.

It’s working great for me! I’m grateful for the pouch because I don’t already have something that would have worked as well as the one they sent to me.

[B]Hey thanks for the great tip!!! [/B]:thumbsup: I’ll check that out right now!!

Denise was my very first set of interchangebles. They were annoying to knit with because the cables are so fat. But I did like the way they attached…and I like the storage box.

I still use my Denise set for reserving stitches in lengths longer than the short stitch holders. Sometimes when I am blocking the sweater pieces, I need to put stitches on the Denise cables. It allows the stitches to spread out to the width they want to during the blocking process. The stitches aren’t all bunched up on the Denise cables.

i’ve been considering buying a full set of interchangeable needles but had a question. When the needle is in circular needle mode, does the the plastic cord between the two needles stay stationary at the point where it meets the needle, or does the point where the end of the needle and the plastic cord join fully spin around like the crystal palace circular needles? Also, it looks like there aren’t dpns included in the set… is this correct? I love dpns and I usually hate circulars but have found that the kind with the joint that spins works much better for me when I need to use them. Any feedback would be appreciated.

The cables are stationary and dpns aren’t included in the Knitpicks sets. I’ve not seen the crystal palace ones…how interesting to have them spin!

Hi Lisa,

Thanks for responding! :slight_smile:

I love, love circulars that have the joint that spins… now that I’ve gotten used to only knitting with them I’ve ruined myself to the stationary ones. I will keep on the hunt for a set that fits.

Thanks for the info! The size seems nice, but I like the organization of my binder. :wink:

Yeah, me too! I love the binder!

I have the options and the harmony sets, and never thought to put the two together! I like the binder with my options and the purse thing with the harmonys in… I may have another look and think about combining, as it would be a lot easier.
I had a Denise set as my very first set, and really loved the box and layout as it was so easy to see what was where. Maybe options could come up with something similar.

Yeah, me too! I didn’t think about putting them in bed together either, til our sister knitter posted that’s what she does! It works just great!

I like having ALL MY OPTIONS, where nickel or wood, together in the binder. Like I say, I put my cables and endcaps in the clear plastic case. My binder is so stuffed with tips in all sizes in both nickel and wood, I was having a hard time zipping it up! I do keep 4-24" cables in with the tips…cuz I use the 24" cables the most.
The clear plastic case holds my backup cables.

Just got back from a few days away, and will try combining them! I also like the binder as I have popped my harmony sock dpns set at the back of the binder - it fits perfectly!!
Putting the spare cables in the clear plastic case is a great idea, as that case is too nice to not use.