What do all these abbreviations mean?!

Please help me I’m trying to make a crochet necklace and the instructions are very hard to decipher. What does Ch 7 mean;
treble into 1st ch,ch2;x4 or 5;ss; top centre; FO; initial slipnot;and the initail tail.

Here’s a list of stitches and how to do them.

7 chain sts
make a treble stitch in the first chain
chain 2 sts
repeat the previous instruction 4 times (or 5 times)
slip stitch
top center is the top center of what you’re making
FO is finished Object
Initital slip knot is how you begin the first chain
initial tail is the end of the yarn you don’t use when you start.

I’d also note the UK spelling of top centre. Crochet terms are different between UK and US.

:do’h: I can’t seem to get my bookmarks open to get the UK to US term sheet form the UK site… my mouse clicks seem to be useless…

I’ll be back after a browser/os restart (which ever it takes). Windows, if they programmed the control electronics for automobiles… well I guess we would have more than just Toyota’s recalls for runaway acceration… :roflhard:

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